  • CEans,

    Yep, right! The Five Point Someone aka Chetan Bhagat is on CE to answer your questions! 😁

    Short Introduction:- [We know its not needed, but still...]

    Born a Marauding bull. Intelligent by birth. Toughened by schooling. Astute by experience. From the Army public school to the IIT and IIMs, from an Investment Banker to the author of bestselling books, from Engineering to the writing table, Chetan Bhagat has done it all.

    Chetan Bhagat is the author of two blockbuster novels - Five Point Someone (2004) and One Night @ the call center (2005) - that top bestseller lists to date since their release. In March 2008, the New York Times called him the “biggest selling English author in India’s history”. Both his books have inspired major Bollywood films.

    Seen more as the voice of a generation than just an author, this IIT/IIM graduate is making India read like never before.

    ‘The 3 Mistakes of My Life’ is his third novel.
    6[sup]th[/sup] June 2008 is the last date of posting your questions. We won't entertain late-posters 😁

    On your mark, Get-Set- Fire Your Questions! 😁
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberMay 29, 2008

    🎉Wow! I can't hide my emotions.

    I was completely swept off my feet when biggie broke the news yesterday. 5 point someone is coincidently one of my favorite books.

    Watch out, I'm coming with a dozen.
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  • Archana Kannouj

    MemberMay 29, 2008

    Wow Big K...

    Even i am so excited... wait for my questions [😀]
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  • PkS

    MemberMay 29, 2008

    Frist psot! (mine, anyway)

    1. Read your book. Liked the way you intermingled current events with fiction. Finished the book in a day. Can you write something longer next time? 😀

    2. How do Govind, Omi and Ishan get away with the murderous rampage (without any political connections)?
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMay 30, 2008

    Haha, I don't know who this fella is, but you guys are truly crazy over him! Now I'm really curious to read his book.

    What engineering discipline did he do?
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  • gohm

    MemberMay 30, 2008

    Laugh, glad to know I am not the only one! I'll have to check out one of the books. Is there a website one of you fans can point us too for info?

    Haha, I don't know who this fella is, but you guys are truly crazy over him! Now I'm really curious to read his book.

    What engineering discipline did he do?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 30, 2008

    Okay, Okay! I understand!

    Chetan Bhagat is an IIT/IIM grad & now an investment banker. Chetan wrote his first book "Five Point Someone" - What not to do at IIT (based on life of an engineer at IIT). It was one of the best selling books of 2005-2006.

    Chetan's next book - One Night at Call Center : about life in Call Centers, was a huge hit! I guess ON@CC is the theme behind soon to be released movie - "HELLO" #-Link-Snipped-#

    Now, his third book: Three mistakes of my life is selling like Hot Cake all over India! Chetan is no doubt one of the most popular authors in India.

    We're really glad to have him on CE to answer our questions. I recommend that all of you read his first book - Five Point Someone ! You'll enjoy it!

    Let the questions flood in! 😁

    Addendum: Do not forget to check out Chetan's Official Site: #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • gohm

    MemberMay 30, 2008

    Thanks for the background info Biggie, I'll delve into it so hopefully I can participate in the discussion.
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  • suyash

    MemberMay 30, 2008

    hey.. I've been a great fan of Chetan Bhagat since his first book... 5 point someone, since it is something that young graduates have an instant connection with...

    here are my questions for the great author:

    1) Despite the fact that your first book was a huge rip roaring success, which ultimately resulted in movie offers for the same (as well as for the 2nd book), I feel that the 3rd book was written with a very clear pre determined mindset to turn it into a bollywood flick... instances like the Aussie beach chapter, the violent and gory rampage in the end as well as the intense and vivid love story are, according to me, uncalled for. Are we going to see more and more film oriented scripts in future?

    2) I like your writing style very much (I know, I am amongst a huge crowd), but the unique flow of story mixed with myriad emotions like humour and tragedy woven together with elucidate description of charecters is something that I really love. Do you have any inspiration for such writing style?

    3) you have a had a dream education pathway - an IIT, then an IIM, and a lucrative job abroad. Now that you are back to India, what are your views on reverse braindrain and alternate careers (like writing) ??
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 30, 2008

    3) you have a had a dream education pathway - an IIT, then an IIM, and a lucrative job abroad. Now that you are back to India, what are your views on reverse braindrain and alternate careers (like writing) ??
    I liked this question!

    Let more questions flood in! 😁
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 31, 2008

    Come on fellas, you won't get this opportunity elsewhere! Will you? 😁

    Drop in your questions! 6[sup]th[/sup]June is the deadline!
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  • becool

    MemberJun 1, 2008

    cool man! finaly having (going to have) a one on one with Chetan himself...! thanx for dis Big K!
    well my ques go lyk this...
    1) Read ur 3rd book...! gud 1...! full marks for writin skills man! Didnt u ever think of doing Masters in English literature...?

    2) What prompted u to write 5 point someone? I mean jus how did such wierd n cool story lit up in ur mind?

    Ok...This one's from my mum (she realy lykd ur 1st buk)

    3) How did u discover urself as a writer?
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberJun 1, 2008

    Good to see so many responses. Members here should participate in this manner more often. Personally I do not have a question as I do not enjoy his style of writing much(read the 5 point someone). But its a good thing to know that many like his work as is seen by the response.
    I request you all to have such enthusiasm for other interviews too.
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  • Fareed

    MemberJun 2, 2008


    i have read the book one night at call center and it was as good as watching a movie..
    nothing 2 go overboard.. abt the book but the narration was captivating..
    so i would like 2 ask u:

    How do you prepare yourself before writing a new novel especially after giving two successful back to back novels,when the expectations from u are higher?

    which book is your favorite amongst your writings and what is your all time favorite book?
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberJun 2, 2008

    My Questions:
    1. What inspires you to write fiction? Do you conduct any research or try to weave your story around your or somebody's real life experiences?
    2. Your style is not exactly the literary types. Is it deliberate or do you aspire to be a literary novel writer in future?
    3. From Army public school to IIT to IIM to Investment bank to the writing table. Which Chetan Bhagat is closest to your heart?
    4. All new writers don't enjoy success as you did. What do think makes a book successful?

    People flood your questions please!
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  • haiabeon

    MemberJun 2, 2008

    why u changed from engineering to banking?did u take engin.. do to any home pressure
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 3, 2008

    Alright! Just two more days to go!

    Keep the questions coming! 😀

    I wonder why we have poor response here?
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberJun 8, 2008

    It hasnt been closed yet? Wow, im soo damn late!

    "Do you think the hype surrounding IIT's is justified? What was different from your perception before you had joined IIT and after spending a semester there?"

    And yea, looking forward to his new novel!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 8, 2008

    Ah, I've been traveling and couldn't post updates here. We'll be accepting questions for next 8 hours 😁
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  • bidhanojha

    MemberJun 8, 2008

    Well you might have heard this a million times but I will repeat again... I admire your work... and written words....:clap:

    Your writing style is amusing and shows your brilliance... Just to make a confession, I had tried to copy your lingo style in some of my blogs but never succeeded in it bigtime....:hehehe:

    Anyway, just want to know... Is your writing style (natural humor) is a gift, got it during days @IIT/IIM... or learned it for writing....😕😕
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberJun 8, 2008

    Sadly the response to Chetan Bhagat questionnaire hasn't been very good. Biggie are you there? Have you not sent the questions or do CEans have some more time?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 8, 2008

    I'll be sending the questions by 8:00 pm.
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  • jevmanalel

    MemberJun 13, 2008

    i am an engineer in IT field.I want some seminar topics based on "Latest Computer Technology".Can you help me to give daetails of a few topics as soon as possible.
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberJun 13, 2008

    i am an engineer in IT field.I want some seminar topics based on "Latest Computer Technology".Can you help me to give daetails of a few topics as soon as possible.
    Quite a question for Chetan Bhagat. 😒. But you see jevmandal, the last date was 6 june to send your question. You may ask this in the next small talk.:sleeping:
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