  • Kaustubh

    MemberDec 1, 2008

    CE Small Talks & You

    I'm disappointed.

    I look at your response to our Small Talks with people associated with engineering who have changed the world. Not a single comment/appreciation/feedback on our Small Talk with Mr. Girish Wagh - the chief designer of Tata Nano!

    Are all the efforts that go behind conducting these small talks (trust me, its lot of hard work, lot of rejection and lot of patience) are being wasted? 😡 Do you all even read the small talks? The people in our Small Talk are no ordinary people. Don't take my word. Look here: #-Link-Snipped-#

    Couple of months ago, CE gave you an opportunity to ask questions in our Small Talks. Some of these threads were actually monitored by the people who agreed for the Small Talk. Unfortunately, the quality of questions that were asked was very poor [can you imagine, someone asked for a final year project idea to Mr. Burt Rutan - the creator of Space Ship I/II ! :neutral: , another asked for free components]. Its sad that our engineers can't even ask questions!

    That said, do you all appreciate our Small Talks? Shall we continue them?

    I am very sorry if this post offends anyone. I couldn't just resist venting out my frustration.
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberDec 1, 2008

    its natural,but i think we should continue since it is one of our USP's I have been talked to many forum freaks they really envy when they came to know abt this,well we should encourage our members to ask question ofcourse we have to filter them out!! and the question you posted here will be asked by collge students who are the majority here,i think we should set some rule and FAQS to post questions or set some qualifying criteria,well speaking the fact i havent gone through the small talk of Mr Girish Wagh
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  • durga ch

    MemberDec 1, 2008

    Biggie! firslty, Not posting a comment doesnot imply small talk discusions are not read. 😀
    I agree questions were not asked. Opportunity missed is lost forever.

    But I believe many read the small talks(who dont get inspired and motivated by success stories???)
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  • kedarjk

    MemberDec 1, 2008

    Hi Big_K, I can't believe that you are frustrated or upset.
    I too think small talks are USP's of CrazyEngineers. Most of the people on CE look at it as a source of knowledge and information, one might not be willing to post comments on small talks, but that doesn't means they haven't read it. Believe me, most of my friends ( and me also) have joined CE because of small talks, quality of small talks. CE is a brand now. I eagerly wait for new small talks. So please don't stop small talks. We really appreciate your efforts in that.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 1, 2008

    Biggie! firslty, Not posting a comment doesnot imply small talk discusions are not read. 😀
    I agree questions were not asked. Opportunity missed is lost forever.

    But I believe many read the small talks(who dont get inspired and motivated by success stories???)
    I know that the Small Talks are being read. In fact, Small Talks pull in lot of traffic. Try searching for 'Girish Wagh' on Google and see our link on the first page 😉 !

    Hi Big_K, I can't believe that you are frustrated or upset.
    I too think small talks are USP's of CrazyEngineers. Most of the people on CE look at it as a source of knowledge and information, one might not be willing to post comments on small talks, but that doesn't means they haven't read it. Believe me, most of my friends ( and me also) have joined CE because of small talks, quality of small talks. CE is a brand now. I eagerly wait for new small talks. So please don't stop small talks. We really appreciate your efforts in that.
    Very good to hear that. The frustration was obvious - putting up one small talk every month is a very tough job! Its only our efforts that go behind every small talk. Even the people whom we interview spare time from their busy schedule. You all could show some appreciation by commenting on the Small Talk, discussing their answers. You know what, in past, one of the engineers we interviewed for small talk (I'm not going to name the person), himself monitored the 'Ask questions to <>' thread on our forums. He also got registered to help you ask questions to him - but alas, not a single question was asked. That not what we want, right?

    Mere reading the article won't suffice. Possibly, a small talk with focused on Computer Science engineering may not appeal to a civil engineer. But we understand our audience and keep the questions generic so that all our members can read and appreciate 'engineering' that went behind greatest works done by engineers.

    I hope you all will continue to enjoy & support our Small Talks. If anyone wants to join the core team for aid in conducting the Small Talks, get in touch as soon as possible.
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  • durga ch

    MemberDec 2, 2008

    Sure !! We enjoy it a lot BIggie.. When I joined CE.. the very sight of Small talks proved that the forum is active.. 😀and I was happily reading all the talks and blogs 😀

    will make it a point to put in a feedback .. good or bad or for betterrment!!! 😀
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberDec 2, 2008

    hope biggie is happy now!!!! but we shudnt let him post another scarp like this!!!!
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