  • You have to be there at least 1 hour before the exam. The security is too tight, you are not even allowed to carry your handkerchief with you.
    After the security check-up a whole Aadhaar-like screening happens, where all your bio-metrics are taken.

    Must have: Admit card, hall ticket, Driver's license, ATM card

    To all those who did well in their AIMCATS (without copying that is), the CAT would be a piece of cake. Just wake up the Arjun Rampal within you and maintain a straight face, the invigilators are too nosy.
    1st section of QUANT and DATA INTERPRETATION has 30 questions. 10-12 are pretty average, easily solvable. If you could attempt even 25-26, nothing like it.
    2nd section of English and LR was a bit tidy. RCs(average to difficult) were plenty(in my case 3). The LR was the most childish thing I attempted in a long time, way below CAT level. All my fears lie with English only *fingers crossed*. Para-jumbles were a head-ache.

    If you have been practicing for about 3-4 months then I think you'll be great in the test. Put in all your efforts guys. Do well. All the best! 😀
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    MemberNov 6, 2011

    good! how many attempts did you make? 😀 sectionwise.. even my friend wrote today heard there were some inference based questions in RCs 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 6, 2011

    Yeah, how was the level of difficulty?
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  • Ambarish Ganesh

    MemberNov 6, 2011

    Number of questions attempted: 51 (27 in Quant+DI, and 24 in English+LR)

    Level of difficulty: Above Average! Given the simplicity of the paper, percentiles are bound to suffer!
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    MemberNov 9, 2011

    woah! that a huge number to attempt 😁 cool! 😀 😀
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