  • This is quite a debatable topic if you have a Jehova's Witness as a friend - apparantly they don't take blood from someone even if they are in a theatre and fighting for life. So, I am asking it here again. Can we REALLY fight illness without the use of medicine. How did the people in the ancient times survive, and why do we have more diseases now than before?

    My finding:

    Our body is a self-healing organ upto an extend. It takes time to do so. For minor headaches, stomach pains, etc, we can treat ourselves upto an extend. Beyond that we need medical help.

    P.S.: I was having a bad fever with sneezing from last night. My lungs felt pumped up with heat. I just found out that taking in deep breathes with mouth wide open and letting it out slowly (try compressing it into an empty bottle) has a cooling effect on my system - more of like leaving a overheated car with bonnet open to let it cool down. Also drinking lots of water helps. Ofcourse I took proper medicines as well.

    Are there other such simple tricks of science that we fail to use daily to combat the stress and diseases of the modern world? Do you think natural science has better options than medical science?

    Looking forward to hearing from CEans.
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  • lovebox

    MemberNov 27, 2013

    Well, first of all, medical science emerged from, and is a part of natural science.
    The living system has this intrinsic capability of healing itself. Medicine only assists the living system to do so more efficiently.
    Sometimes, we take medication to control the causative agent of the disease and at other times we just try to alleviate the symptoms. This is just meant to provide the body an opportunity to direct its energies towards healing itself.
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberNov 27, 2013

    The living system has this intrinsic capability of healing itself. Medicine only assists the living system to do so more efficiently.
    Sometimes, we take medication to control the causative agent of the disease and at other times we just try to alleviate the symptoms. This is just meant to provide the body an opportunity to direct its energies towards healing itself.
    In other words, we're just degrading the body's capacity to heal itself. Right?
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  • lovebox

    MemberNov 27, 2013

    In other words, we're just degrading the body's capacity to heal itself. Right?
    No. We are just helping the body to get back to normalcy quicker.
    It's just that sometimes the causative agents are either too strong or too many, for the body to deal with alone. Hence, at that time the body requires assistance in the form of medicines. But, this requirement varies from person to person depending on the state of a person's immune system. Now, the condition of the immune system depends on multiple factors including genetic, nutritional and overall lifestyle of the person.
    However, if there is a non-judicious, indiscriminate use of medicines then it may interfere negatively with the system.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberNov 28, 2013

    Homeopathy has virtually no active ingredient in it. At higher potencies of one of the popular medicines Natrim Mure (Common salt) thewre is more sodium chloride in the carrier used for the pill than the medicine itself. At very high potency you end up with less than one molecule (Calculated based on Avagadro's number) in the pill, which cannot be. Yet Homeopathy reports about 35% cures or alleviations. This is due to the body healing itself. However, there are certain conditions which do require modern medicine. Bacterial infections organ disorders and such do require allopathy treatment. If a valve of the heart is damaged, it has to be replaced. Likewise broken joints.

    Many allopathic medicines had antecedents in Ayurveda. The BP medicine reserpine is from the plant sarpagandha.
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Rauvolfia Serpentina</a>

    There are others.

    Generally the body will tell one what is bothering it.
    Swami Chinmayananda used to say,'Make haste slowly' for people expecting instant Nirvana. This may be true at a physiological level also. Give the body a chance to heal itself unless it is a emergency like a cardiac attack.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberNov 29, 2013

    I always trust Indian medicine to be better than english medicine .Even though our medicine method takes little time to heal us from problem it is completely free from side effects but if we consider modern medicine-It is a quick healer and it also brings new disease to us.
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  • lovebox

    MemberNov 29, 2013

    SarathKumar Chandrasekaran
    I always trust Indian medicine to be better than english medicine .Even though our medicine method takes little time to heal us from problem it is completely free from side effects but if we consider modern medicine-It is a quick healer and it also brings new disease to us.
    That is not entirely correct. Any system of medicine whether Indian, Western, or from anywhere else, is good only if taken for the right purpose and in the right manner. That can only be decided by a practitioner in that system of medicine.
    Self-medication should always be avoided.
    To say that a particular system of medicine has no side-effects would be very naive.
    Let's not forget that even food in the wrong dosage ends up harming your body.
    It is more appropriate that we develop a better understanding of how a particular medicine (whether Indian or Western) works based on scientific principles.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberNov 29, 2013

    Yes i agree but are you trying to say that people(both medicine takers and prescribers are the culprits)?
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  • lovebox

    MemberNov 30, 2013


    The medicine takers can't be the culprits. They are actually victims of the widely-propagated belief that a certain system of medicine does not have any side-effects.

    As for the prescribers: if these medicines are prescribed by practitioners in that system of medicine then it is alright, as they have the requisite knowledge about how the medicine works and its suitability for your body and your problem.

    On the other hand, there are thousands of products available in the market branded as herbal or ayurvedic, which are not actually so. Many samples of herbal medicines being sold in the market contain steroids, some of which are not supposed to be used (steroids are used reduce and control symptoms in allopathy as well as ayurveda, but their use is highly regulated and cannot be indiscriminate). This is what causes the problem. When the patient takes these steroid containing medications, their symptoms reduce and they initially feel better. But since the underlying cause may not have been treated, so the disease may return to trouble them later.

    Also, in our country the practice of self-medicine is quite rampant (even the World Health Organization says that). People get their medication based mostly on the recommendations of their relatives rather than going to a proper medical practitioner (allopathic or ayurvedic or any other recognized form of medicine). That should not be done. Let's take an example, suppose you are having stomachache. Now this is just a symptom and may be caused by any one of a number of ailments. Now in general, people need to understand that two persons can have stomachache without suffering from the same ailment and would need different course of treatment. This only the expert can evaluate, and not any one of our relatives who says that he/she apparently suffered from the same problem.

    What I am trying to say is that whatever system of medicine you choose to adhere to, be aware that no system of medicine is perfect in itself. Only thing is it should follow a transparent and scientifically proven system to treat.
    Now, this view of mine does not mean that our ancient system of medicine is unscientific. I am only trying to say that if a system was scientific in the early times it will be scientific today also. So, all systems of medicines and their practitioners should endeavour to make their procedures as scientific as they can.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberNov 30, 2013


    The medicine takers can't be the culprits. They are actually victims of the widely-propagated belief that a certain system of medicine does not have any side-effects.

    As for the prescribers: if these medicines are prescribed by practitioners in that system of medicine then it is alright, as they have the requisite knowledge about how the medicine works and its suitability for your body and your problem.

    On the other hand, there are thousands of products available in the market branded as herbal or ayurvedic, which are not actually so. Many samples of herbal medicines being sold in the market contain steroids, some of which are not supposed to be used (steroids are used reduce and control symptoms in allopathy as well as ayurveda, but their use is highly regulated and cannot be indiscriminate). This is what causes the problem. When the patient takes these steroid containing medications, their symptoms reduce and they initially feel better. But since the underlying cause may not have been treated, so the disease may return to trouble them later.

    Also, in our country the practice of self-medicine is quite rampant (even the World Health Organization says that). People get their medication based mostly on the recommendations of their relatives rather than going to a proper medical practitioner (allopathic or ayurvedic or any other recognized form of medicine). That should not be done. Let's take an example, suppose you are having stomachache. Now this is just a symptom and may be caused by any one of a number of ailments. Now in general, people need to understand that two persons can have stomachache without suffering from the same ailment and would need different course of treatment. This only the expert can evaluate, and not any one of our relatives who says that he/she apparently suffered from the same problem.

    What I am trying to say is that whatever system of medicine you choose to adhere to, be aware that no system of medicine is perfect in itself. Only thing is it should follow a transparent and scientifically proven system to treat.
    Now, this view of mine does not mean that our ancient system of medicine is unscientific. I am only trying to say that if a system was scientific in the early times it will be scientific today also. So, all systems of medicines and their practitioners should endeavour to make their procedures as scientific as they can.
    Yes i agree but whats your solution to this bro.
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