  • as by 2030 india's water demand is twice than india's water supply, to manage this we can make our river,lakes and ground water as extended water supplier because our river water is not good for drinking, as make something that make our house hold water used for other work other than drinking used again for same thing, and making some large packets for storing rain water, which put in small place when there is no rain,if we are able to use sea water for other house hold purpose afrer some economically feasible treatment then it is best,

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  • Radhika Deshpande

    MemberJun 28, 2018

    As per the report from Central Pollution Control Board, among top 10 major rivers in India only Narmada river is cleanest and as safe as fit for drinking.Whereas ,most polluted river is Yamuna being not fit even for outdoor bathing.

    Cleaning river is big and serious issue. Government is looking into it but no sign of improvement is seen as of now. 

    'Namami Gange' Project sanctioned by NDA government in 2014  on highest propriety has only completed 41 projects so far out of 164 assigned.

    Along with that ,most populated rivers stretches are also seen in Maharashtra, Gujarat, MP, West Bengal and Assam.

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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJun 29, 2018

    The best and cheapest way is not to dirty them in the first place. We humans are squarely responsible for the mess we are in globally. Maharashtra seems to be pioneering with the ban on on plastic. Already retailers are threatening a strike.

    Each of us have to do our bit starting right now.

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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJun 29, 2018

    Water is a permanent chemical. The oldest water discovered so far is in a deep subterranean cavern in Canada. It is more than 1.5 billion years old.

    There is plenty of water for all. It maybe in the wrong place. Every major desert was once home to major civilisations. Humans have this uncanny suicidal tendency to over exploit nature.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 29, 2018

    The best way is to implement strict regulations that prevent any entity or individual from contaminating rivers. There's river cleaning project going on in my city and all they do is put machines to take out plastic from the river. 

    But it's grossly ineffective. 

    No one really cares about pollutants entering the river stream. I've been hearing that now they've appointed consultants from Germany or France to help put treatment plans within the city. Let's see how it goes. 

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  • rai aman

    MemberJun 29, 2018

    yes sir ofcourse gov has so many plans but none of them are working in right direction,the first prob is our drainage system waste water from every house and industries goes in river ,ther's not only plastic waste other waste are also which is hazardous, so we have something that our waste water are recycled not meet in river water every one should have that so every low amount of water is wasted then we can able to clean our river and use it for drinking for long time, sir ground water level is decreasing day by day because there not plenty of space to seep rain water to ground so we can design something that store rain water on our roof top and send it to ground automatically it get filtered by nature if all have this then it great source of ground water which can rise it's level.

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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJun 30, 2018

    In the late seventies MGR, the then CM of Tamilnadu thought of reverse pumping rain water back into the crust to recharge groundwater aquifers. It was given up as too expensive.

    More than 60% of domestic water is literally flushed down the drain. Aircraft toilets use very little water. But they are designed on the lines of vacuum cleaners and are power intensive.

    Edward Debono suggested that all factories along river banks, which discharge effluents into the river must be located downstream of their own discharge point. This would force them to clean the effluent properly. Apparently some countries have put this into practice.

    The change has to come from within. External enforcement rarely works satisfactorily. Maybe a cleanup levy can be put on bottled water to be used for collecting discarded plastic water bottles. 

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  • rai aman

    MemberJul 1, 2018

    sir can you tell me that why CM's idea is too expensive. pumping it is necessary or only leaving it to soil to seep automatically to ground water.

    sir our draibage system use water but canwe have somethig easy and economically feasible that purify same water not for drinking only for other worike cleaning.

    can't we have something where our drainage water go, it doesnot go to river because sir it is great source of polluting our river.

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