Member • Dec 30, 2011
Can Tablets Revolutionize Education? Or It's Just A 'Marketing' Thing?
What do you really need to revolutionize education?
Great teachers! That's the 'first' thing you need to bring a revolution in education. Can technology really make teachers 'great'? No it can't. Technology will only provide tools to deliver the education in various forms; but it just can't do anything new!
Are the tablets really being used for education?
No one really teaches how to use computer - and what to use them for. All the students I know use the Internet & computers mostly for entertainment - watching videos, making friends & killing time. 'Laptops' are being preferred over Desktops because they offer a greater sense of privacy. Who cares about education?
Thanks to the lack of great teachers that 'education' is often boring and something that's taken as a burden.
Tablets will now deliver Internet right in the hands of the students; but are the teachers prepared to make the best use of it? Were tablets the 'need' of the teachers to deliver higher quality education to the students?
I think 'No'. What's your take?