  • As a technology blogger, I'm noticing a new trend among the low-end tablet manufacturers and it's about selling the tablets saying it will bring a computer revolution & better learning among the students. At first, it looked like a great step towards making education available to everyone; however it now looks like a plain marketing gimmick to me.

    What do you really need to revolutionize education?

    Great teachers! That's the 'first' thing you need to bring a revolution in education. Can technology really make teachers 'great'? No it can't. Technology will only provide tools to deliver the education in various forms; but it just can't do anything new!

    Are the tablets really being used for education?

    No one really teaches how to use computer - and what to use them for. All the students I know use the Internet & computers mostly for entertainment - watching videos, making friends & killing time. 'Laptops' are being preferred over Desktops because they offer a greater sense of privacy. Who cares about education?

    Thanks to the lack of great teachers that 'education' is often boring and something that's taken as a burden.

    Tablets will now deliver Internet right in the hands of the students; but are the teachers prepared to make the best use of it? Were tablets the 'need' of the teachers to deliver higher quality education to the students?

    I think 'No'. What's your take?
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  • Bashiruddin Naik

    MemberDec 30, 2011

    Absolutely you are right Sir,
    Three years back bought laptop.
    Thinking that i can practice programming and study some stuff.
    Today looking back and seeing this post.
    It's absolutely nothing to do with tablet or laptop.
    Those are just for our entertainment purpose.

    "It's just completely marketing and Political Hype they made in recent time."
    (By the way i ordered two Ubislate 7..Those are cool and cheap.
    How can i miss those..Hah)

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  • K!r@nS!ngu

    MemberDec 30, 2011

    As a technology blogger, I'm noticing a new trend among the low-end tablet manufacturers and it's about selling the tablets saying it will bring a computer revolution & better learning among the students. At first, it looked like a great step towards making education available to everyone; however it now looks like a plain marketing gimmick to me.

    What do you really need to revolutionize education?

    Great teachers! That's the 'first' thing you need to bring a revolution in education. Can technology really make teachers 'great'? No it can't. Technology will only provide tools to deliver the education in various forms; but it just can't do anything new!
    Yes. Technology cannot make teachers 'great', but if we utilize the tools developed using the technology in a appropriate way that will be 'great'.

    Are the tablets really being used for education?

    Not at all...this is the universal fact.

    My suggestion is :

    Government should produce a well equipped tablets with pre-installed apps which are only useful for education and distribute to the students.
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  • Slay3r_17

    MemberJan 4, 2012

    I think yes !!
    Technology can make teachers "better" but for that teachers have to be qualified for "good". Gadgets like iPad , Kindle can make teaching easy . You dont have to carry the books and presentation everywhere and stuff like this counted under data mobility is made easier . But of course its down to a particular individual to use the technical aids like these as a tool to teach.
    Nobody said that Tablets are only for education !!
    Its one of the uses of tablets for sure . Its used for client pitches , personal presentations ,education etc etc.
    and yes , its a sad story of Indian Engineering Educators , People who don't get jobs in MNCs become teachers in engineering colleges , at least most of them. and Believe me they aren't good.
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  • CE Designer

    MemberJan 4, 2012

    Technology can make teaching easy for the teacher and more understanding for the students. K, you said: "Technology will only provide tools to deliver the education in various forms". This is true and this is why it can be so effective as a medium for learning. In a class of say 40 pupils, 10 maybe 50% of them will grasp a concept by just hearing the teacher speak. Some students use their other senses to learn, like seeing. Here is where technology can play and interactive role in learning. Videos, pictures, graphs, powerpoints, they all make teaching and learning fun and more effective. Remember, we are in the age of technology, so old systems and ways need to adapt. Technology is changing the way people see things, our behaviour as a society and how we perceive our world. Remember its a world of technology now, why not start using it in the classrooms. This way students won't be lost when they enter university or the world of work.
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