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  • ms_cs

    MemberNov 11, 2012

    why no response? does my question more generic or we don't have any marketing people here??
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 11, 2012

    Looks like most of the CEans are on a vacation. I've already invited few marketing folks to look at this and you should expect a response soon.
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberNov 11, 2012

    Ahh... marketing! This is good. #-Link-Snipped-# what help do you need? Have you developed a new library management system or are working with some one who has? Let me know and I can guide you on how to go about it.

    Marketing Management by Philip Kotler is the best book for beginners. But if you ask me, there is no need to read a book, unless you are completely unaware of the marketing fundamentals. All you need to know is the 5Ps of marketing. I have tried to explain it below. There is no order of their importance as all are equal and must be followed before you delve into even thinking of making a product. Lets understand them now.

    1) P roduct - What is your product? What do you want to make that you can sell? It is very important that the first thought be given to the product you want to make. You might want to make a rocket that takes people to the moon and back. But can you make it? Can you sell it? Do people need/want it? Questions need to be answered.

    2) P rice - What price should you sell your product? Please note that price of the product is derived less from the cost of making and more from the value it creates in the minds of the customer. Pricing of cold drinks is a classic example.

    3) P lace - Where is your market? You need to identify the right place where you can sell your product. Selling a blackberry phone in a village might be possible but not the right thing to do. Because even if they buy it, it is of no use to them. Markets can be created. But they must be thought out before hand

    4) P eople - Who will sell? It is your own people who make a bigger difference than the people who buy. iPhone or macbook is no extra ordinary product (it sucks if you ask me). But the guy who sold it to the world was beyond ordinary. So people you employ for marketing and sales are very important

    5) P romotion - A brilliant product without a brilliant promotional plan is an average product. What is your unique selling proposition? What is your value proposition? Communicate clearly and through the right channels to make sure it sells. For ex. you manufacture a car but you dont tell people that you offer a test drive or a free service for 1 year. Will it sell?

    There are many more things to be told including the 4Cs. Let me know if you need info. I'll write that.

    Hope this was helpful.
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  • cooltwins

    MemberNov 22, 2012

    Yeah what mayur has said is essential. Also there is this book called 10 Day MBA by Steven Silbiger.

    It is not just about Marketing. It covers all the domains in MBA. It has a nice and concise explanation about marketing. I read it recently. It is a nice book to start with.
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  • Reya

    MemberNov 24, 2012

    I would recommend you to read "Principles of Marketing" and "Marketing Management" by Philips Kotler. Marketing management covers Introduction to marketing management, marketing insights, Building brands, communicating with customers, Market offerings and its long term growth.

    Principles of Management covers basics of Marketing, Marketing process, Marketing place, consumer markets, pricing strategies, retailing, wholesaling, direct and online marketing et al.

    Well, I heard this is the prescribed book for MBA Marketing in IITs. Yet to read Marketing Management book by Philips kotler 😀
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  • cooltwins

    MemberNov 24, 2012

    #-Link-Snipped-# It is the prescribed book even in IIMs 😀
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberNov 26, 2012

    10 day MBA by Steven Silbiger is a good book. It is concise and gives you the right perspectives about management. Of course, MBA is not just about marketing. In fact it is much less about marketing and much more about management.
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