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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberAug 11, 2013

    From what I know about solar energy, I can try to put light on that. Solar energy is harvested using solar cells and stored in a battery. That is further converted to AC for use. But I dont think it can be stored in normal batteries.
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  • Cyborg 009

    MemberAug 11, 2013

    Solar energy can be stored in conventional 12/24v lead acid batteries ..
    The setup should be Solar panel >Charge controller > battery ..
    A diode is usually added at panel to avoid current flowing into it during dark..
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 11, 2013

    The source of electricity is irrelevant to storing it in a rechargeable battery. Appropriate circuitry should be used.
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberAug 11, 2013

    If battery is recharageable then you can charge it with a solar panel

    There will not be any problems in it

    PS: Use a diode in between the panel and the battery to prevent reverse voltage going from battery to the PV cells
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  • Ahsanul haque

    MemberAug 11, 2013

    solar panel using in a tiny calculator to large industries. its vary storage device(battery) size. u must have to use rechargeable battery and need some circuits (Charge controller charging level indicator etc ).
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