  • I have seen in wiki susceptance is the imaginary of admittance. but its not a clear definition for suscep.
    The reactance is the opposition of change of voltage and current through a element, such that how to difine susceptance?
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  • lovejeet

    MemberAug 25, 2013

    While reactance is the measure of how much a circuit reacts against change in current over time, susceptance is the measure of how much a circuit is susceptible to conducting a changing current. susceptance is the reciprocal of reactance, thats it, susceptance= 1/reactance. Is it clear now??
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  • pugazh anand

    MemberAug 26, 2013

    While reactance is the measure of how much a circuit reacts against change in current over time, susceptance is the measure of how much a circuit is susceptible to conducting a changing current. susceptance is the reciprocal of reactance, thats it, susceptance= 1/reactance. Is it clear now??
    okay you are saying reactance is reciprocal of susceptance. but the relation between them is [B(suscep)=-X(react)/|z|2(imp)] than how can you say it is reciprocal. am i clear my point?
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberAug 26, 2013

    Well the Magnitude of B may be equal to X/Z^2 But but the actual relation

    How where did that expression come From? the Inverse of Impedance relation right Then Magnitude wise this relation is good.
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  • lovejeet

    MemberAug 26, 2013

    @#-Link-Snipped-# -susceptance is acutally the imaginary part of Admittance. can you please derive that expression you mentioned, so that it would be more clear in its perspect.
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  • lovejeet

    MemberAug 26, 2013

    Reactance and susceptance depend on the frequency, for dc the frequency is 0. that's why no reactance. Even your circuit include L and C, it has no reactance in DC.
    capacitor reactance Xc=1/(2 pi *f* c);
    capacitor susceptance Bc = 1/Xc;
    Inductor reactance XL=2 pi f L;
    inductor susceptance BL = 1/XL;

    But in AC, it may combine all together and from complex number. Resistance (conductance) provide real parts and capacitor or inductor reactance (susceptance) provide imaginary parts. look like

    Z(impedance)= R(resistance) + jX(reactance)

    Y(admittance)=G(conductance)+jB (susceptance)
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