Brief explanation of Quick Sort algorithm

On request of one user from ce,i am going to explain one of the most commonly used sorting algorithm ie quick sort

It is based on Divide and conquer approach.

It is one of the common practical example of recursion

There are generally 3 steps in this

1:-Divide a problem a multiple sub problems
2:-Solve them individually.
3:-Merge those sub problems to find solution of main problem


1. Choose any key element in an array which is know a pivot.
2. Reorder the array such that that all elements which are less than the pivot come before the pivot and so that all elements greater than the pivot come after it. After the partitioning, the pivot is in its final position.
3. Recursively reorder two sub-lists: the sub-list of lesser elements and the sub-list of greater elements.

Below is the program written in c++ ,it can help you for better understanding

//Program for Quicksort
int partition(int a[],int,int);
void quick(int a[],int,int);
void main()
int *a,n,i;
cout<<"Enter size of array"< cin>>n;
a=new int[n];
cout<<"Please enter elements for array"< for(i=0;i {
cout<<"Elments are"< for(i=0;i {
cout<< }
void quick(int a[],int start,int finish)
if(start {
int q=partition(a,start,finish);
int partition(int a[],int start,int finish)
int x=a[finish],temp,temp1,j;
int i=start-1;
return (i+1);


  • rishi0922
    its very helpful nd clearing many doubts
  • Morningdot Hablu
    Morningdot Hablu
    Nice post goyal.
    Hope you come with more in future.
  • paresh006
    Quick sort like merge sort,is based on divide and conquer paradigm..
    Three steps are required to be done these are:-

    Divide:-Suppose an array is A[p...r]...rearrange the array into two(possibly empty)subarrays A[p....q-1]and A[q+1...r] such that each element of A[p....q-1]is less than or equal to A[q],which is,in turn, less than or equal to each element of A[q+1...r]..compute the index q as part of this partitioning procedure.

    Conquer:-Sort the two subarrays A[p...q-1]and A[q+1...r]by recursive calls to quicksort.

    Combine:-Since the subarrays are sorted in place,no work is needed to combine them.the entire array A[p..r]is now sorted..


    1:if p 2: then q<-PARTITIONED(A,p,r)
    3: QUICKSORT(A,p,q-1)
    4: QUICKSORT(A,q+1,r)
    To sort an entire array A,the initial call is QUICKSORT(A,1,length[A]).

    Partitioning the array

    3: for j<-p to r-1
    4: do if A[j]<=x
    5: then i<-i+1
    6: exchange A<->A[j]
    8:return i+1
    Thanks..........really its very useful.
  • anandkumarjha
    Fabulous job Goyal...It's easy to learn by this method

    hope that you will bribg such useful stuff regularly

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