Blackberry Playbook 10-inch Images Leak On Tinthe Forum

RIM's Blackberry Playbook 7-inch version may soon get an elder brother. Images of a bigger 10-inch version of the Playbook were leaked on a forum called Tinthe by a member quang3g, who seems to be involved in BlackBerry sales. We can't make out the exact tech specs from these images, apart from the fact that it has a black matte finish on the size close to that of an iPad. There could be a 7,250 mAh battery and since PlayBook uses a Texas Instruments dual-core chipset, there is a chance that this 10-inch variant will also feature the OMAP46xx range.


After delays in the launch of #-Link-Snipped-#, we weren't expecting a larger Playbook this year. In a roadmap leak, there were talks about larger “Blackforest” PlayBook coming in Q3 next year. We also haven't seen the launch of a  4G PlayBook 7-inch yet. Since, there is no official word from RIM about this Playbook yet, these images are all we have and guesses that this new 10-inch tablet will feature the #-Link-Snipped-# instead of BlackBerry 10.

Via: #-Link-Snipped-#


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