  • :?: Can we use candle/bee wax as automobile fuel? [​IMG]

    Any vehicles are running with candle wax as a fuel?

    Give your ideas on it!!! [​IMG]

    or how it can be used? and which type of engine/assembly it will require?

    Just think of it as fossile fuels are vanishing!!! [​IMG]


    M-Tech CAD/CAM & Automation​
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 2, 2009

    Moved to Other Engineering Trades 😀 . Nice concept!
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  • gohm

    MemberMar 3, 2009

    hmm, nice concept. How would you solve the problem of it being solid at room temperature?
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  • g_rakesh2

    MemberMar 3, 2009

    hmm, nice concept. How would you solve the problem of it being solid at room temperature?
    Melting temperature of wax is very low.
    And it can burn also, as candles burn using wax as a fuel!!!
    but it will create a lot of smoke.
    problem is that to keep wax in liquid condition and then use it for combustion. 😕

    thanks and regards
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMar 3, 2009

    NASA has tested using candle wax as rocket fuel. Try searching out for that 😀
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  • gohm

    MemberMar 3, 2009

    The tricky part would be adapting it to internal combustion. My guess would be a modified diesel engine because high compression would be needed. Keeping all fuel, engine, etc. lines warm constantly(even when vehicle is off) could be a serious stumbling block unless the parafin was mixed with another substance.
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  • g_rakesh2

    MemberMar 4, 2009

    here is the link of NASA which gives information about it...


    thanks ash actually one of my friend is doing a Master's project on
    'wax as automobile fuel"

    so I helping him to get some material it will be great if you all help me out for the same...

    Thanks & Regards
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  • g_rakesh2

    MemberMar 4, 2009

    i have read the news on the official website of NASA..
    wax mainly contains paraffin ..
    we can burn wax/paraffin three times faster than normal,
    for which one need to use pure oxygen...
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  • Predictor

    MemberMar 15, 2009

    :?: Can we use candle/bee wax as automobile fuel? [​IMG]

    Any vehicles are running with candle wax as a fuel?

    Give your ideas on it!!! [​IMG]

    or how it can be used? and which type of engine/assembly it will require?
    I suppose one important technical question is: How much usable chemical energy is available in wax, per unit mass?

    In my opinion, the much more important economic question is: How much wax is available, worldwide? If you are thinking of replacing a real number of traditionally-fueled vehicles this way, I think the real constraint will be the total amount of the wax energy supply.

    -Will Dwinnell
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Data Mining in MATLAB</a>
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  • g_rakesh2

    MemberMar 16, 2009

    I suppose one important technical question is: How much usable chemical energy is available in wax, per unit mass?

    In my opinion, the much more important economic question is: How much wax is available, worldwide? If you are thinking of replacing a real number of traditionally-fueled vehicles this way, I think the real constraint will be the total amount of the wax energy supply.
    hello Predictor,
    wax can be prepared artificially,
    we are intrested in parafinne which is the main constitute of wax.
    and nasa is already working on it to use it as rocket fuel.
    it will be difficult to use for automobiles but not impossible.

    as nothing is impossible..
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  • khooper

    MemberMay 13, 2009

    On my thought if this is possible then is its great so that it could lessen our problem in consuming gases. but theres no assurance that using this fuel can give better performance and reliability in our car.
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  • jhbalaji

    MemberJul 26, 2009

    But you need ton's of wax mate....
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  • Julian90

    MemberSep 4, 2009

    wow there are alot of amazing concepts listed here. i would have just gone straight to thinking about designing a performance stirling engine and using the candle wax for a steady flame to heat the hot side of the engine
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberSep 4, 2009

    The only thing I wish to ask is.......from where will you get the wax? If you wish to power cars with "Bee wax" then you would need a large scource of the proposed fuel.
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  • just2rock

    MemberSep 4, 2009

    the idea seems to be a bit wiered ..god just join CE & check yourself
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