Azure 2012 at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kottayam on Jan 26, 2012

Azure 2012 is a 3 day Techno Cultural and Management Fest organized by Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kottayam.

Azure is one of the biggest techno cultural fest in Kerala, with more than 50 events aimed at boosting the techno- cultural and managerial skills inherent in today's youth and providing them with opportunity to showcase their ideas and thoughts. The events in Azure are from heart and soul of the festivals and seek to provide a common platform for the best brains to interact and nurture their seedling ideas transforming them in to giant trees of innovation and progress.

With a rich legacy of honing engineering talent and harboring fierce competition, Azure 12 is all set to explore the boundless possibilities of the human mind. Let your knowledge meet your creativity, let your ideas flow with confidence, let your skills face the test. Lets celebrate human power to invent and innovate.

The fest hopes that the endeavor will play a significant part in putting the deserving minds of the nation an ever rising and never ending growth curve. The techno cultural fest in Kerala, with more than 50 events aimed at boosting the techno-cultural and managerial skills inherant in today's youth and providing them with opportunity to showcase their ideas and thoughts.

For more details, queries and registration; visit their website:


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