  • Ramani

    MemberDec 11, 2011

    Avoiding Amri Tragedies

    Would the alarming mortality at the AMRI hospital have been less if there was some way to mitigate the suffocation?

    In a centrally airconditioned building, ventillation is a regulated activity to control energy consumption. If the existing fire alarm systems can be made to open out large enough panels at each floor, it may help.
    The down side may be that the fire may get extra oxyen too.
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  • durga ch

    MemberDec 11, 2011

    The fire system needs to be proerly checked and there should be a NEED to have emergency exits. Adn as well, the smoke detection system in place need to be workign all the time. maintained all the time and any minor hint of smoke detected should immediately trigger the centralised alaram irrespective of it beign a hospital. Atleast, patients who could be carried out could ahve been , irrepestive of being strangled in their deathbeds lying helplessly.
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  • durga ch

    MemberDec 11, 2011

    I also believe every building should ahve enough space so that people can run away easily whenever such mishaps occur, and smoke detection is a MUST alongwith sprinklers. They just should be made like a standrad what all buildings should follow
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