autonomous robot localizatoin

my final year project is about designing and constructing an autonomous robot. the problem that i am facing right now is how to locate the robot. i need the robot to knows its position any time with an accuracy of 10-30 cm.
GPS is not a solution due to its low precision and high cost.
Please help to find an easy and inexpensive way to localize my robot...


  • bill190
    Know its location where?

    Within a box?

    In a room?


    If it is within a room and there is something always in that room that the robot can use to verify or find its location, then use that.

    Can you tell the robot its initial location?
  • sauravgoswami
    well you can give some reference value to the robot say a map of the room/locality, the robot can compare visual data with reference and now its location
  • hinduja.prasad
    there is something called-gps free positioning in mobile ad-hoc networks. in this we create a local co-ordinate system on mobile phones. u c u can use the mobile as a remote. check this out in the net for furthur details
  • momin
    the robot is designed to move in an empty but uneven surface. the area is square shaped. and the initial position is known. the robot should move to a known coordinates. the problem arises from hills and wheels slipping which make it unreliable to depend on the calculated distance and direction from initial and final coordinates.

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