Member • Nov 23, 2011
Answer To Grand Quiz Question #21
Well, the question was little more tricky. First of all there wasn't any question mentioned upfront. The question was actually hidden in the clues, or the question itself.
You could have obtained your question by hovering cursor over the image. It reads "Image Credit Zazzle. Dead ?" So, you had to tell us what the question mark meant. The second clue was the image itself! Where did the image point? Towards the bottom! Many CEans tried looking into the source code of the page; but not enough. Would you be surprised that for the first two hours after the question went live, we had changed the footer. It read:
Member comments are owned by the poster. Copyright © 2005-2011 CrazyEngineers.com. All rights reserved. 31.536993,35.452194Woa! What were those mystery numbers at the end? Those were coordinates to a place on Google Maps. If you paste those numbers in Google Maps; you'd be taken to the Dead Sea! That was your answer to the question hinted by the image.
We hope you enjoyed the question 😀