  • MaRo

    MemberJul 9, 2008

    Aliens language

    Hi CEans,

    I've been thinking about how aliens talk, if we got nice visit from some aliens how would we communicate, what common language we can both understand.

    I know it's someway weird but I feel there's somebody else in our universe 😒 we have to be ready as they're getting ready to attack :smile:

    Even if we're about to make a translator we should have common language to convert between both languages, What do you think guys?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 9, 2008

    MaRo, I didn't get the topic of the debate. Could you please explain?

    Btw - We're still not sure about existence of Aliens.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJul 9, 2008

    Whether or not aliens exist, we can treat their "language" as any other language. Before the time of language dictionary and translators, I believe people learned other languages through action and example.

    Unless of course, their mode of "speech" is drastically different (different frequency, telepathy etc), then you'd need to do a lot of tests before we could understand each other and create the universal translator.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 9, 2008

    Assuming that aliens can 'see' the things as we do, I believe 'pictures' would be the right 'mode of communication'.

    If I were the in-charge of the world alien communication program. I'd rely on aliens to come up with some common language. The reason is simple - if they could travel millions of light years to find us - they surely know how to communicate with us.

    Quite logical, what do you say? 😉

    [ps: Do we have any aliens on CE 😁 ? We need your help]
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  • gohm

    MemberJul 9, 2008

    OK, I can settle this. Since I've been observing your species for awhile it is possible for aliens to communicate with humans. I used my powers of thought suggest to persuade Maro to post this so I could finally reveal

    I agree with what Biggie said, leave it to them er us to translate.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJul 9, 2008

    I knew you were an Alien, ever since you proved you could time travel!

    ... so er, what are you "called", alien friend? 😛 And why do you disguise yourself as a mechanical engineer? Surely Aliens are more.. "techie"? 😛
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  • gohm

    MemberJul 9, 2008

    They call me Gohm which is the same in both Tibetan and the planet I am from oddly enough. Ah ha, because nobody would suspect a mild mannered engineer as an alien. All our tech is bio based so that's why I'm all thumbs when it comes to computers... laugh!
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  • MaRo

    MemberJul 9, 2008

    Good to have the first ideas to communicate with aliens 😀

    We got several solutions here, nice 😁

    Why don't make it first at least to try to make anything before our disaster, I've been watching alien movies all night, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

    When aliens attack only ENGINEERS are in charge of the world, all other jobs will be just tools 😀

    Oh, Gohm, before writing this topic the door bell rang I opened but no one, you was there? 😛
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    MemberJul 9, 2008

    I don't believe in aliens.
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  • MaRo

    MemberJul 10, 2008

    Kinetic it isn't about religion, God created everything what we knew & what is unknown yet
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJul 10, 2008

    I don't believe in aliens. I'm not getting into religion either, but I'm a firm believer in Christ. If there are other life forums out there, then ok; but until I see them, I will continue with my opinion.
    Mods - Please Edit Last (KINETIC_JOULES) post.... On a forum we should not deal about religion.

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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJul 10, 2008

    Mods - Please Edit Last (KINETIC_JOULES) post.... On a forum we should not deal about religion.

    Ah, I understand what you mean Crazyboy, but she didn't really "impose" or force her religious beliefs on others. It was related to her opinion on the existence of aliens 😀

    Of course, we will edit inappropriate comments that would offends others. If she did say that we should go to Hell for not eating seafood, then we will take action 😉
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  • koli

    MemberJul 11, 2008

    ha ha
    Ash - I dont mind going to hell for seafood. I heard it is lot cheaper there :sshhh:.

    I strongly believe in non human existence which is lot powerful then human.

    Aliens can never be gods of any religion, as most aliens have nasty looks where as gods are always good in looks (as documented in books of any religion).

    I am sure there are bunch of crazy aliens on CE looking to change the CE to CA, ha ha ha 😁
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberJul 11, 2008

    Show me an evidence of the existence of an alien first. Only after that it makes sense to debate whether or not we can understand their language!
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    MemberJul 11, 2008

    Go to hell for not eating seafood? That's the only meat I eat besides chicken. . . I just don't like the taste of meat.
    Were you saying that I said that, or were you using it as an example?
    And note, I did say I wasn't trying to get into religion.
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  • MaRo

    MemberJul 11, 2008

    Show me an evidence of the existence of an alien first. Only after that it makes sense to debate whether or not we can understand their language!
    Assuming we are in the 1600s show me an evidence of the existence of cars any time soon, it's the same, we just don't have the tools to ensure of the existence of aliens or not.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJul 11, 2008

    Go to hell for not eating seafood? That's the only meat I eat besides chicken. . . I just don't like the taste of meat.
    Were you saying that I said that, or were you using it as an example?
    And note, I did say I wasn't trying to get into religion.
    Ah, just using it as an example 😎

    Well.. I don't think we can compare it with "cars". Cars are an accumulation of centuries (or ever since the invention of the "wheel") of human knowledge and technological progression. They were not beamed down one night from outer space 😛

    Anyway, we are not really sitting around doing nothing. We are indeed trying to search for life out there 😉

    Who knows, the "aliens" could very well be humans just like us.
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  • gohm

    MemberJul 11, 2008

    For what it's worth the rules of statistics prove the existance of life elsewhere due to life here and traces of low forms in our solar system. Though until proven, we each are intitled to our opinion as they are both equally possibly correct.;-)

    Back to the topic, there is also the possibility that they may not be interested in communicating. Leave it to mankind in our sometimes errogant view to think they would care about us at all. Or the idea that they could have always been around in the sense of either clandestine or via another co-existing demension. Not saying I subscribe to these thoughts, they're just ideas.
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    MemberJul 11, 2008

    Who knows, the "aliens" could very well be humans just like us.
    I never thought about it that way. I wonder. . .
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  • prakash.athani

    MemberAug 1, 2008

    Aliens will use the language showed in Spielberg's movie
    Close Encounters of Third Kind

    Or they may use some computer language.We have to communicate with them as follows.

    1.Importing our language libraries

    2.Starting conversation between { }

    Ha ha.just joking.

    To find an alien and communicate with him I suggest you guys to wander in
    area 51 & Roswell, New Mexico. Be carefull there, dont confuse urself between UFOs and USAF jets
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  • Itanium

    MemberAug 2, 2008

    leave aliens... how many would be able to communicate to the animals ?

    Do someone dare to take a conversation with a Lion or Tiger in forest ? We can't even communicate smoothly with a living being in earth... then how abt alien ?

    check out for a paper related to this topic:
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Communication with Alien Intelligence</a>
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberAug 3, 2008

    same goes to them also,how to communicate with humans,i think communicating by pic will be fine
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