  • As all of us know there are a lots of after market airfilters that claims more power more mileage compared to OE paper filters. Some of the companies who makes this cotton filters are K&N, Green, Ractive, Pipercross, HKS etc.. If any one used it in their cars then share your experience with the same. and try to make realistic comments. I am using a Green cotton wind CAI in my swift and im happy with it😀
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  • gohm

    MemberFeb 14, 2009

    They increase air flow to allow a minimal amount of power increase. They all have the possibilty of allowing more debris into the engine, no matter what their ads say. I myself use k&n air & oil filters on my cars and bikes. You must add free flowing exhaust to get any noticable performance gains at the same time otherwise you are only increasing induction noise. Dyno runs will prove this.
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  • J I J O

    MemberFeb 14, 2009

    They increase air flow to allow a minimal amount of power increase. They all have the possibilty of allowing more debris into the engine, no matter what their ads say. I myself use k&n air & oil filters on my cars and bikes. You must add free flowing exhaust to get any noticable performance gains at the same time otherwise you are only increasing induction noise. Dyno runs will prove this.
    Yes i agree with this. The power and torque increase will be visible only with the addition of a FFE set up including the headers. Infact the CAI is useless without proper plumping. It can make adverse effects if it placed in a place where there is a chance to suck hot air.... I also have CAI. But in my case its a CAI itself. I started to this thread to make an awareness about this aftermarket filters in this forum. because it may help to some one who want to use this. And one more thing many people would be confused b/w the brands also.. Let me say a Ractive filter will cost u less than half the amount of a k&n having same dimensions. every thing else is the same..
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  • J I J O

    MemberFeb 14, 2009

    And yes with the stock replacement filter the increase in drivability will be marginal. for those who want to go for an aftermarket filter a universal type is highly recommended. But make sure that the filter is placed where there is less chance to suck hot air from the engine bay.
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  • gohm

    MemberFeb 16, 2009

    You are 100% right. That's why many cai people experience a loss in performance because they have it just sitting in the engine bay without fresh outside air routed to it.
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  • J I J O

    MemberFeb 16, 2009

    You are 100% right. That's why many cai people experience a loss in performance because they have it just sitting in the engine bay without fresh outside air routed to it.
    Are we the only people who r contributing to this thread? Where are you guys... share all your views😀
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  • J I J O

    MemberFeb 16, 2009

    You are 100% right. That's why many cai people experience a loss in performance because they have it just sitting in the engine bay without fresh outside air routed to it.
    Yes some of my friends experienced the same. One more fact about the CAI is that if the filter is placed in such a way that water splashes or rain water fall directly to it then, that will not only destroy the filter but also destroy the engine by a phenomenon called Hydrolocking. IIRC. If its placed in a good manner then ok. But always keep this in mind while you drive in a heavy rainy day... that your not with your stock filter but a CAI.. try to avoid go through flooded areas and avoid water splashing at higher speeds.
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  • J I J O

    MemberFeb 16, 2009

    Shape of the filters?

    This is actually a confusing one at least for some one who dont know too much about this after market filters. For example the universal filters having different size and shape like conical, round tapered, cylindrical, extreme etc.. From all this how will you find the perfect match for your engine? In most cases people left it to the workshop guys.. but they may not know which one gives the optimum performance for the engine. I saw some cases where they used to say people that the biggest one that can accommodate in the engine bay is the right one. Actually that is incorrect, the oversized one can reduce the low end torque dramtically. That will result the car difficult infact so difficult to drive in the bumper to bumper city traffic. So choose the right sized one only😁
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  • J I J O

    MemberFeb 22, 2009

    any other views?????????
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  • gohm

    MemberFeb 22, 2009

    Yeah, best to visit the manufacture's website for proper model identification for your application.
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  • khooper

    MemberMar 22, 2009

    Aftermarket air filters will not produce “way better” fuel economy. Furthermore, while some “cold air intake” systems reduce intake restriction, they also tend to generate more intake noise than the production air intake system, and yield little (if any) improvement in fuel economy.
    tips: always check #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • gohm

    MemberMar 23, 2009

    No arguements here!

    Any advances with new, different materials allowing better design?
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  • J I J O

    MemberMar 23, 2009

    No arguements here!

    Any advances with new, different materials allowing better design?
    Some kind of the filters are using foam instead of these cotton materials.

    Mods if you wish you can close this thread. I think no one is really interested to contribute to this thread😔
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  • J I J O

    MemberMar 23, 2009

    Aftermarket air filters will not produce “way better” fuel economy. Furthermore, while some “cold air intake” systems reduce intake restriction, they also tend to generate more intake noise than the production air intake system, and yield little (if any) improvement in fuel economy.
    tips: always check #-Link-Snipped-#
    This is not exactly correct coz a well designed CAI can improve ur FE around 2 to 3. And the engine will revive more freely. So after installing a CAI people will revive more just to hear the induction sound and to experience the free reviving of the engine. This results in reduction in FE. But if ur still a sedate driver then u can definitly get much improved FE:sshhh:
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