  • adinickluv

    MemberNov 25, 2008

    Aditya joins CE!

    Hey guys...I am Aditya, I am studying 2nd year in electronic and communication. I've just now completed my 1st semester, but there is no practical knowledge gain..
    I mean there is no proper exposure which should be given to a engineering student. Even my co-students are very outdated they never show interest in any practical issues, rather they mug up the theory and gain marks... Actually the thing is, our college is a newly established college and our batch is the 1st batch so there is no proper management till now. Hence, I've joined CE to know whats going on in the outer world, to talk to people who can support me and guide me to gain a practical knowledge instead of mugging up the theory...
    So, I am looking forward for the support from CE and my friends..
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  • Differential

    MemberNov 25, 2008

    Hi Aditya, welcome to the forum !
    I am deligted by knowing that you want practical knowledge apart from just mugging up! Believe me very few people try for that !
    CEians will help you answer your questions which will help you gain practical knowledge !
    By the way how do you think, is the idea of doing some vacational training in Industry?
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberNov 26, 2008

    Communication Engineering is cool! 😉

    You can start learning practically with whatever you have now: mobile phones, radio, computer, TV, etc. Take them apart and see how they work. Then, you can start making your own projects such as your very own FM transmitter and receiver! 😀 You'll start appreciating what you learn in theory this way.
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberNov 26, 2008

    buddy!!! whne there is a will there is a way!! follow thw CEans here and u will be succussfull
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  • adinickluv

    MemberNov 27, 2008

    Thanks a lot guys...i really appreciate your concern....
    Keep guiding me..
    Ill surely follow your shown steps..Ash..I mean that ll be a great start..
    I looking forward to new offers and opportunities..
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  • syedaafaq

    MemberDec 6, 2008

    hey addy thats great to know from you that u believe in CEans to such a greater extent...... and i am sure that your beliefs will not go waste.... keep in touch to gather lot of informations, not only regarding your practical informations but also for other interesting informations.......
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