  • I received following email from ISRO --

    Dear Bhuvan User,

    At the outset, we thank you for your keen interest in exploring ISRO's Geoportal - Bhuvan. During the initial launch period, due to heavy traffic, we understand that the site response was not congenial. Also, for the same reason, many users were facing login problems.

    In order to enhance the user experience and have a smooth entry to explore Bhuvan, we have now removed the login process. You can now access bhuvan without any need of login credentials. Just click the enter Bhuvan button on the home page(#-Link-Snipped-# you will be taken to the 3D globe page wherein you can explore all the Bhuvan functionalities. Please read the attached file 'About Bhuvan' to know more.

    Bhuvan is poised with a vision to be a one-stop versatile Indian Earth Observation visualization system evincing the Indian imaging capabilities. Team Bhuvan would also like to let you'll know that a new refurbished Bhuvan is on its way.

    Team Bhuvan is also happy to inform you that Bhuvan visualization portal is now serving the global data from IRS P6(Resourcesat-1)-AWiFS data.
    Feel free to write to us at #-Link-Snipped-# for any query related to our portal and its services.

    We again thank you for your overwhelming response and look forward to your valuable comments/suggestions.
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  • silverscorpion

    MemberFeb 17, 2010

    That's great. I'm yet to try it.

    I heard it's resource intensive. Have anyone tried it? Any first hand experiences??
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  • shadeslayer

    MemberFeb 17, 2010

    i got the same mail.

    ISRO bhuvan is nice project and needs lots of development
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