  • Isn't it interesting how making decisions have become so much easier as we progress into our engineering college lives? When we started, our books had to be brand new, pristine and we even used imported highlighter! As we progressed towards the murky environs of S6, you'd be laughed at if you used anything more than a third-generation hand-down text. And of course, by S8, you'd be ridiculed if you bothered to buy a book at all.

    0102 03
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  • dec nor

    MemberFeb 2, 2014

    It would be more grateful if u could say more about ABSOLUTE ZERO.

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  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberFeb 3, 2014

    Nice one, @#-Link-Snipped-#
    This comic sure does represent the present conditions of engineers (at least in Odisha). Since we are given the option to choose our subjects (when we pass out of XII for the first time) we look at the pros and cons list but later we just fall into the herd or just random shots in the dark. This surely affects us since we tend to pick the wrong ones for us and this in turn affects our grades.
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