8051 mcu applications

can anyone provide me with some information about applications of 8051 microcontroller


  • chirag_kotadia
    As I have attended the workshop of Robotics I will let you know about the applications of mcu in concern of robotics. Microcontrollers can be programmed to control the running and regulating the speed of the dc motor. In the sense, they can be put in any real time application like if it is desired to run a motor in a certain path then by having proper infrared sensors on both sides of the motor and having the control of the motor through microcontroller(by sensing the desired path by ir sensors) we can have the motor totally autonomous. The other applications of the same mcu unit is to simply take decisions according to the sensed entity. the motor control was the one example of this scenario. You can have many applications of MCU. Hope you will be satisfied.
  • Paritosh222
    yes to some extent, thanks for helping
  • shreya_rulz
    there are a lot of applications both in digital as well analog areas..basically there are 32 ports each of which can be programmed to be used as an output or input port.hence we can program the mcu to take in the input and get the desired output.inputs and outputs are in the form of ones and zeroes.to learn its programming you will first have to study the internal structure.not in detail but atleast get an idea about it.programming is very easy after that.the 8051 is the most basic mcu and can be interfaced with leds,lcds,keyboards,dc motors,stepper motors.all these devices can be controlled by interfacing with the device and programming the chip accordingly.
    if you still have any queries feel free to ask.😎

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