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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 13, 2009

    Try searching the forums, we've already discussed this.
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  • devesh

    MemberFeb 13, 2009

    I have already gone through that post..
    None of them had actually told what 32 & 64 bit Os are, how they function and about the process and that is what i want.
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberFeb 13, 2009

    Hi devesh,

    Have a quick look at the following link


    They have tried to explain from the point of view of Computer Architecture.May be of some help to you. If any issues, feel free to ask. 😀
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  • micromahesh

    MemberFeb 17, 2009

    Can anyone please tell me how 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems operates.What actually they mean by saying 32 bit OS & 64 bit OS?

    It's all depends the bit representing memory address. for example Pentium micro processor is 32 bit microprocessor( it can represent in memory in 32 bit pointer ). but we use in DOS , that is only 16 bit operating system. so this operating system can only find 65536 address remaining can not find.
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