1. Food,
2. Shelter and
3. Clothes.
Thats it!
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1. Food,
2. Shelter and
3. Clothes.
Thats it!
Shelter? 😕
[Clothes & Food are taken for granted. I'm sure they did have food in the old times]
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Shelter? 😕
[Clothes & Food are taken for granted. I'm sure they did have food in the old times]
Yes off course! If you want to save yourself from the deadliest mammals of the past where will you go????
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I know a lot about survival techniques in various scenarios(jungle, desert, mountains...etc) and how to make use of available resources for ones advantage. But these items are important according to me -
1. An AK-47 assault rifle and a lot of ammunition, a couple of Hunting knifes, an Axe and a Sword
2. Night Vision Goggles
3. Extra pairs of denims and combat shoes.
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I'll carry -
1. A Nail Cutter 😁
2. A knief
3. A lighter
(I've seen Cast Away. So got my ideas from there) 😁
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Now won't the answer be dependent on which time-slot you are going into ??
a) time where dinosaurs existed
b) time where Man was united and was farming
c) Just 100-200 years ago
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Yes - but I'd need the things I mentioned no matter in which time era I go. 😉
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Member •
Jul 27, 2008
Guys your answers showing a fighter returning in time not an Engineer 😁
for me in the range of 400 - 500 years back:
1) Mp3 player (with recorder)
2) Some cool songs
3) A lot of batteries
Sell everyone with it real price*1 Billion (or the same value in their time)
Come to future with a lot of fresh old nice stuff sell them with their real value*10 Billions, I think then I'll have some money to start my life 😁
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Member •
Jul 28, 2008
time machine owner's manual
spare parts
I'd want to be sure it wasn't a one-way trip! You could find everything else in your new time. You would not be able to introduce new technology into the past as that would change progress or open a parallel dimension. I do not believe it is possible to alter the past within the same dimension, you would only be experiencing it like virtual reality. Otherwise chaos would errupt & have done so already. If you evoked change thus opening a parallel dimension, I do not think a time machine would be able to return you as you would now be locked into an alternate universe, not the one you came from, albeit you would be at the correct time of your present. Not an expert in cosmology though.
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time machine owner's manual
spare parts
I'd want to be sure it wasn't a one-way trip! You could find everything else in your new time. You would not be able to introduce new technology into the past as that would change progress or open a parallel dimension. I do not believe it is possible to alter the past within the same dimension, you would only be experiencing it like virtual reality. Otherwise chaos would errupt & have done so already. If you evoked change thus opening a parallel dimension, I do not think a time machine would be able to return you as you would now be locked into an alternate universe, not the one you came from, albeit you would be at the correct time of your present. Not an expert in cosmology though.
The cleverestestest answer 😁 !
Hats off to you, sire! :clap:
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following things.....
1) Map
2) Money
3) Mechanic
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following things.....
1) Map
2) Money
3) Mechanic
1. Assuming that you go thousands of years back in time, your maps won't be of any use.
2. Money - what for? 😕
3. Mechanic - Hmm. Now I got you. You will give your money to mechanic every time he/she fixes your time machine.
Clever 😲 !
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simple,map i will carry to verify the past with present....
Money to exite the poeple living there & start my own currency....
Mechanic,hey u know some good mechanic for time-machine
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I think I'd carry:
- My Ipod - life without music is like shit
- GPS navigation - so that i can find my way back frm hunting
- Set of tools including a lighter
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I think I'd carry:
- My Ipod - life without music is like shit
- GPS navigation - so that i can find my way back frm hunting
- Set of tools including a lighter
Quite different choices.
An Ipod? And where in the past do you plan to recharge it and download new songs.
A GPS navigation??? I don't suppose they had satellites for GPS system even around 50 years ago.
Both your choices seem OK if your are planning to travel some 5 years behind time.
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Gohm's post makes complete sense, I must admit 😛 Though, if its strictly a one way trip and I can only carry 3 single items:
1. A dynamo (need electricity, baby!)
2. A heating element (to produce light and heat. Too lazy to start fire with wood 😛)
3. A pocket knife
That should last me for quite a bit 😉
If I could carry more, I'd love to use a solar panel. But alas, they are only useful during the day.. and back up batteries are needed (extra items). And don't forget a Dremmel tool! Also, are we assuming we can use stuff from the Time Machine itself? 😛
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Oh yes, just a gentle reminder.
All time-traveling CEans must wear the sacred CE - Tee!
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hey wat tat for,to start CE much earleir than big_K was even born!!!
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hey wat tat for,to start CE much earleir than big_K was even born!!!
FYI - I was born on CrazyEngineers' Day 😲
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If I am going to dinosaur time
then I would carry
1. A Camera, with lots of batteries.
2. A Laptop (instead of pen and papers).
3. Some weapons to protect myself.
4. Some normally needed medicines, disinfectant's, pain killers.
5. A night vision Goggles.
6. Clothes and a lots of tinned food.
7. A solid Leash (Just in case I want to catch a small dinosaur).
8. Dozens of lighters and fuels that burn easily (for scaring animals).
9. Iphone 3G (just to show-off). xD
10. An Extra empty Bag (just in case I want to carry something back from that time).
If I am going like a 100 or 150 years ago
then I would carry
1. All the notes, videos and Audios available of the mistakes that mankind will make in the coming year.
2. Would take all the Notes of Nickola Tesla and give it to him so that he could prevent the fire in his lab and could in fact complete the Warden Cliff tower.
3. A Camera, with lots of batteries.
4. A Laptop (instead of pen and papers).
5. Some weapons to protect myself.
6. Some normally needed medicines, disinfectant's, pain killers.
7. Iphone 3G (just to show-off). xD
8. An Extra empty Bag (just in case I want to carry something back from that time).
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You are only allowed 3 things.
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1 . I would carry my camera if i am going to a time where electricity is available.
2 .I would carry a pen and book to write all the things i have seen there.
3. I would take my friend with me to return my book and photographs to the present.
I would not come back !!!
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ooops sorry
ok then I will carry
If I am going to dinosaur time
then I would carry
1. A Laptop with lots of batteries and camera installed within.
2. A flame thrower weapon.
3. Lots of tinned food.
If I am going like a 100 or 150 years ago
then I would carry
1. All the notes, videos and Audios available of the mistakes that mankind will make in the coming year.
2. Would take all the Notes of Nickola Tesla and give it to him so that he could prevent the fire in his lab and could in fact complete the Warden Cliff tower.
3. A Laptop with lots of batteries and camera installed within.
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I will Carry
So i have total 8 Things to carry 😉
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i would carry
1.i-pod loaded with my favourite no.s
3.purse of course without this i cant return!!!!
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The scenario implies there are no problems getting yourself back, and taking something with you.
Even hypothetically there would be a lot of energy involved, since you would have to ensure that you only 'took' yourself and a few other things, instead of the whole planet and the 21st century, or the entire universe.
But skipping over the physical dilemma of how, you shouldn't take back anything that's likely to get you burned at the stake say, for demonic gadgets that play the devil's tune, etc. Maybe a glock and lots of rounds, or a few grenades?
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3.purse of course without this i cant return!!!!
Whats Special in the Purse?
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I will Carry
So i have total 8 Things to carry 😉
great then i need not carry another friend to send my possessions 😀
So instead of my friend i would carry Water available in hyderabad and will show to people how polluted is the modern world 😀
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great then i need not carry another friend to send my possessions 😀
So instead of my friend i would carry Water available in hyderabad and will show to people how polluted is the modern world 😀
hey Thats not Fair Sandy... 😛
but i am still stick with my old 3 Choices 😉
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great then i need not carry another friend to send my possessions 😀
So instead of my friend i would carry Water available in Hyderabad and will show to people how polluted is the modern world 😀
omg rofl😁
that will prove good we might avoid some dead people in future 😒
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Just stumbled across this old thread.
Awesome responses CEans! You all Rock!
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