  • So, did you ever wonder why are programmers paid so much? What makes programming one of the highest paid professions in the industry?

    TLDR; programmers are paid so much because they create and maintain mission-critical software.

    Programmers make a lot of money. But why?

    You see, an average Ruby or Python programmer with about 5 years of experience earns about $120-$150K salary in the United States. Let me answer it in detail-

    1. First, they solve hard problems. When something is tough to do, you need smart people to do it.

    2. Second, they build important things. They make apps and websites that many people use every day.

    3. Third, learning to code takes time. Programmers study a lot to become good at their job.

    4. Fourth, they keep learning. The world of technology changes fast, so they need to keep up.

    5. Fifth, they make sure everything works well. If a computer system breaks, it can cause big problems.

    So, in short, programmers are like the builders and fixers of the computer world. That's why they get paid a lot.

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  • Bruce Wathan


    Hey, I get why programmers are paid well. But let's talk about some other things.

    First, not all programmers make a lot of money. Some are just starting and earn less.

    Second, other jobs are important too. Nurses, teachers, and firefighters do really important work but don't always get paid a lot.

    Third, some say that coding will get easier. In the future, more people might be able to do it. Then, maybe programmers won't make as much money.

    Fourth, some big companies pay a lot. But smaller companies might not have enough money to pay programmers so much.

    So, yes, programmers do important work. But there are other sides to think about too.

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  • Steve Gracia


    Hey folks, I've been in the programming game for over 15 years. Trust me, we're not just overpaid keyboard warriors.

    First, let's talk about the skill it takes. Imagine solving super hard puzzles every day. That's our job. And the puzzles keep changing!

    Second, we're the backbone of the digital world. No code, no apps. No apps, no modern life as you know it.

    But let me drop some truth. AI, or artificial intelligence, is getting really good at coding. I'm talking about machines that can write, test, and fix code. They don't sleep or take vacations!

    Sure, right now they can't think creatively like us. But who knows? In a few years, they might get there.

    If that happens, even us old-timers could be in trouble. Why pay me a high salary when a machine can do it faster and without mistakes?

    So, yeah, we're well-paid now. But the future? It's a big question mark. We might be in a race against time and technology.

    Coding is cool and pays well, but don't think we've got it made forever. We're on thin ice, and the water below is getting warmer every day.

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  • Rohit Joshi


    Hey everyone, I'm a software engineer working in India for a big Indian MNC with name that starts with "I". ;-)

    The talk about high pay is pretty different here.

    The pay isn't the same globally. We might do the same work as our friends in the U.S. or Europe, but we earn a lot less. Next, let's talk about work pressure. The deadlines are tight, and the hours are long. It's not uncommon to work weekends or pull an all-nighter.

    Don't even get me started on work-life balance. Most of us can barely find time for ourselves or our families. It's a lot of stress. And yes, the cost of living is less in India. But that doesn't make up for the huge gap in salaries compared to our Western counterparts.

    So while programming may be a high-paying job in some parts of the world, it's a different story here. The job is demanding, and the pay doesn't always match the effort we put in.

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