What is the full form of TCS?

By - Rohit Joshi • 1 year ago • 8.8k views

Wish to know the full form of TCS. I think there is some confusion related to the term being used for tax collection and with that of the IT company. Let me know.


  • Kaustubh
    Kaustubh Katdare

    There are two commonly used full forms of TCS -

    1. TCS - Tax Collection at Source
    2. TCS - Tata Consultancy Services

    Both of these full-forms are valid and are frequently used. Let's take a quick look at both-

    Tax Collection at Source

    In India, this tax refers to the tax collected at source by the seller from the buyers at the time of the sale. The seller is referred as collector and buyer is the collectee. This is bit different from TDS - which is tax deducted at source, whenever a payment is due or made.

    Tata Consultancy Services

    Tata Consultancy Services is the top IT multinational company in India which belongs to the Tata Group. It is a global leader in IT services, consulting and a few other business domains.

    Also recommended: Full form of Google You Didn't Know

    It also is one of the oldest IT companies in India founded in 1968. This mega corporation employs about 6 lakh+ employees all over the world.

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