Member • Jun 8, 2009
Youth's love Vs Parents!!:(
Well coming to this thread , this one is banging my head from many months 😔
People experienced can answer this !!!
here is the small story---------
Hi this is a real story of my friend and many people I guess…
The story is ..
I have a friend who is devoted to his parents, aged 24 and they proposed him to see some girl , as my friend is already loving some other girl he didn’t accept and he went home to convince his parents about the girl.
The parents don’t have any problem except the caste of the girl is differentL
They didn’t accept , they said they will lose their respect and they will lose their life if this happens.
They have basically few questions like…
Future cannot be decided , and cannot be anticipated to be good or bad?
And they convinced him and almost cheated him and made him engage to another girl.
The boy is not weak guys he is strong enough to say NO , but parents made him say YES.
The boy is now crying as he cheated a girl who he love !!!
So my questions are why parents don’t accept love?
What should we do in order that they accept?
Why people are feared of society?
Since the parents knows well that the boy could be very happy with the girl he loved, parents don’t accept and make him adjust to something else, Why?
People here cannot elope and marry as they give respect to parents ?
So why don’t parents understand ??
What is the solution for this problem faced by many people?
Why does parents who loves us much dont support us in our love??
Please share your views!!!