Member • Sep 25, 2011
Yahoo! placement paper and pattern
Selection Procedure was
* Written test.
* Technical interview 1
* Technical interview 2
* Programming
* HR interview
Written Test::
Regular Expression
Unix commands
Data structures(trees,graphs)
The main things you want to be sure to get into yahoo are:
Unix commands - they ask basic commands in unix..
After that they give importance to C , C++
If u know perl then its an added advantage..be sure with hashing too..
some algo questions:
* strcat()
* how to count the no of bits set in an no..Give a soln in O(1).
* how to delete the node in the linked list give the pointer to that node?
* given two integers a, b how to divde a/b without using /,% operator... (repeted subtraction is not the solution).
Programming Round :
Implement the dictionary data-stucture with features
* autocorrect
* autocomplete
* spellcheck
* Written test.
* Technical interview 1
* Technical interview 2
* Programming
* HR interview
Written Test::
Regular Expression
Unix commands
Data structures(trees,graphs)
The main things you want to be sure to get into yahoo are:
Unix commands - they ask basic commands in unix..
After that they give importance to C , C++
If u know perl then its an added advantage..be sure with hashing too..
some algo questions:
* strcat()
* how to count the no of bits set in an no..Give a soln in O(1).
* how to delete the node in the linked list give the pointer to that node?
* given two integers a, b how to divde a/b without using /,% operator... (repeted subtraction is not the solution).
Programming Round :
Implement the dictionary data-stucture with features
* autocorrect
* autocomplete
* spellcheck