  • CEans,

    I want to know what you all think about adding social networking features on CrazyEngineers. Following are the social networking features:-

    1. Ability to authorize friends.
    2. Ability to create social groups.
    3. Profile comment system. Open to all (something like scrapping feature of Orkut)
    4. Ability to track profile visits
    5. Ability to build friend list in profile

    et a.

    Or do you think it will shift our members from being active on forums to searching for friends? We do not want to lose the overall quality of forums.
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  • Differential

    MemberOct 20, 2008

    Something new on CE ! 😛
    Third idea is good ! Can be used to pass on messages to a perticular member. We do have one here called send message but other's cannot see the messages, I think !

    IMHO, other options would make this forum as a social networking site ! 😉

    This might divert the purpose of it ! ;-) But one thing is sure that social networking features will attract more users and make the site more interesting !
    Lets see what others think !
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 20, 2008

    But one thing is sure that social networking features will attract more users and make the site more interesting !
    Interesting? In what way? 😀
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  • Differential

    MemberOct 20, 2008

    Interesting? In what way? 😀
    Reading scraps of other people !!! 😁
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberOct 21, 2008

    Whoa, what? Social Networking?? NOOOOOO *goes insane*

    Thats my answer 😉
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 21, 2008

    I know, but if we upgrade the forums, we'll have to have few of those features. Hmm!
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberOct 21, 2008

    I know, but if we upgrade the forums, we'll have to have few of those features. Hmm!
    Biggie, are you saying upgrading the forums requires having those features?

    I think having "friends" lists would disunite rather than unite members. Its better to separate social networking features to existing places (like Facebook and Orkut). If one wants to increase activity, its better to have activities related to engineering, innovation, "thinking out of the box", like what you have already done with competitions, etc.

    While it might seem like having a social networking feature would be a short cut way of increasing activity, it's encouraging the wrong type of participation we want 😛 Besides, its much easier to just create a "crazy engineers" group on Orkut and Facebook rather than trying to duplicate that feature on CE 😉

    The social group aspect, however, might be interesting. If I read it correctly, it means that members can be associated to some sort of common "interest", such as guitaring, computer gaming, and so on. For example, those who wants to organize a multiplayer gaming event online can quickly find out who is an avid gamer can create a post on CE Forum, in addition automatically "notifying" CE Members with that interest.

    Dear Ash,
    CEan Differential has posted a message that is linked with your interest in Computer Gaming:
    "Hey CEans! Anyone free to play FarCry 2 online at 12:00pm IST on 10th Nov? Its a damn cool game!"

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  • mahul

    MemberOct 22, 2008

    Ash's idea is good. But the rest is a complete no-no for me. I believe everyone on CE is a friend, so there is no further requirement for authorization. And what purpose could it serve after all??
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 22, 2008

    @ Ash & Mahul -

    At this point of time, I'm not 100% sure that we'll have to enable few features. I guess member profile page will undergo a mandatory change and we can't avoid it. That said, everything else can be enabled/disabled.

    I'll be investigating into the latest features and keep you all updated. I'm glad that all of you do not wish to have social networking features 😀 .
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  • Differential

    MemberOct 22, 2008

    maybe we can launch some dedicated networking site !!!
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberOct 22, 2008

    If you take a general poll, most of the CEans might say yes to the social networking sites-like features on CE. In my opinion, its not required. As ash said, no point in replicating the stuff thats there else where. I see the whole social networking thing, especially the comment book as completely useless. It will not add any value to CE
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 22, 2008

    maybe we can launch some dedicated networking site !!!
    NO NO NO !

    CE's got bigger plans, you know [​IMG]
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  • sriramchandrk

    MemberOct 22, 2008

    Social networking site!..

    I will not be able to access.. infact many will face it, as many are behind corporates networks.

    I am sure the site will get categorized as social networking site and our WebCensors will censor it!

    I guess taking it towards or is a good idea.

    Thanks & Regards
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberOct 23, 2008

    Social Networking sites are one of the most laughable concepts ever devised.

    Really, I go onto face book to find new people with similar interests, and I end up being restricted to my very local area and the very few people that I find seem to have a very tenuous connection at best to my interests. I also sadly don't even think they would be able to hold an intelligent conversation for any length of time. Not that they are stupid, more like... well, a bunch college students acting like middle school students. Yeah, it's that bad. Of course, I don't know what a typical face book page is like in say, India or Egypt.

    So basically, I would stay clear of the idea.

    However, I wouldn't be against upgrading the hobbies section, or maybe adding a personal projects section to the forums or site. Somewhere where people could post their CAD models / Photos of their personal engineering projects separate from the more 'technical questions' / 'help request' parts of the forum. Kinda like a showcase of all of our projects we all did including our entries for group challenges.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 23, 2008


    Lock - Os, the upgrade necessary to enhance the site security. However, as I said, the upgrade has few of the core features redesigned. I'm spending time studying them and see how to go about implementing them on CE.

    Newer sections will follow in due course of time. We'll surely try to have interesting features on CE Forums. 😀

    Thanks to everyone for feedback! 😁
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberOct 23, 2008

    Really, I go onto face book to find new people with similar interests, and I end up being restricted to my very local area and the very few people that I find seem to have a very tenuous connection at best to my interests. I also sadly don't even think they would be able to hold an intelligent conversation for any length of time. Not that they are stupid, more like... well, a bunch college students acting like middle school students.
    lol, very true! Plus, what can someone do with 1000 "friends" anyway? The only time I log on into facebook is when a few close friends wish happy birthday. Some quick thanks, then I'm quickly outta there 😉

    However, I wouldn't be against upgrading the hobbies section, or maybe adding a personal projects section to the forums or site. Somewhere where people could post their CAD models / Photos of their personal engineering projects separate from the more 'technical questions' / 'help request' parts of the forum. Kinda like a showcase of all of our projects we all did including our entries for group challenges.
    I like that! Showcasing projects are common in forums like computer enthusiasts, graphic designers and car mods. Should work pretty well for CE!

    In the AMD forum, they have a place where computer users can post a "log" for a computer project they are working on. So, other than showcasing final projects... CEans can also post about their progress so other members can track and comment along the way 😀
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  • durga ch

    MemberOct 25, 2008

    may be few optional text boxes.. allowing CEan to type in their own interests, feilds would be fine.
    I guess we do private messaging system(though I could not use it succesfully till now) to personally 'ping' a CEan.

    and incase some one really needs to social network ..may be a text box can again be present for Cean to type in their details in other social networking sites. 😁<sorry! if it sounds too dumb!!>
    or may be we can have an " add me "hyperlink.. direclting to most used social site!!!
    it gives an option for others... and as Biggie said they can always disable it..!! 😁

    all said,,
    My vote for social networking is "NO". CE be spared!!! 😁
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 25, 2008

    The idea that we discussed during our CE Meet @ Mumbai is like this :-

    We add a 'Resume' tab in the profile where one can list his/her experience, skill-set, projects worked on, awards/achievements 😉

    What do you say?
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  • durga ch

    MemberOct 25, 2008

    hmm... that should be cool...!!!
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberOct 27, 2008

    Hm, now that I can see. I'm all up for a resume of sorts. Gives out personal information without too much junk cluttering up the screen.
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberOct 27, 2008

    The idea that we discussed during our CE Meet @ Mumbai is like this :-

    We add a 'Resume' tab in the profile where one can list his/her experience, skill-set, projects worked on, awards/achievements 😉
    adding to list ...Current location, role...
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberOct 27, 2008

    It would be cool if we have a member's profile page like Orkut and face book.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 5, 2008


    I have been evaluating various new features. I believe we should give following features a try for about a month or two -

    1. Buddy authorization [That is, if I add you as a buddy, you have a change to accept my request or reject it.]

    2. Profile commenting system [I can leave comment on your profile page. Similar to sending a private message except that the messages will be open to be read by all.]

    3. Who visited your profile [ Keeps track of registered members who visited your profile ]

    I have even been thinking about having a 'Resume' tab where CEans will be able to post a brief text about their projects, skills, work experience et cetra.

    There are lots of features but you'll have to wait for them 😉

    What do you all say?
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberNov 5, 2008

    Aye Aye Aye!
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberNov 5, 2008

    Sounds fun. Bring it on.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 5, 2008

    26[sup]th[/sup] November 2008 is THE date.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 6, 2008

    Oh yes,

    Would you appreciate ability to create social groups? 😁 or its just TOO much?
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  • Differential

    MemberNov 6, 2008

    ability to create social groups?
    Suppose a beautiful girl has a group of people that admires her beauty. Then can one say she has ability to create social groups. 😛
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 6, 2008

    Suppose a beautiful girl has a group of people that admires her beauty. Then can one say she has ability to create social groups. 😛

    The social groups can be moderated for content and group owners. We'll keep this feature away. [​IMG]
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  • Insanatine

    MemberNov 6, 2008

    Just Dropping in a suggestion
    i guess orkut is enough for it
    we can have our community there and interact
    lets not do it here
    newayz kaustubh sir makes d final call
    ll b cool neway
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 6, 2008

    As I said before, few of the features need to be incorporated as they have been rebuilt from scratch in the new forum system.

    Alright, we can always undo the things if they don't work as intended.
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  • indianapple

    MemberNov 7, 2008

    well maybe you could add a feature that allows you to track threads or posts that contain some keyword or on some topic. this way we can get info on some particular topic even if we don't get a response on a thread
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