  • naveee

    MemberAug 29, 2013

    wireless mobile charging

    hello CEeans i have many question regarding this topic....let me put my questions
    1)There is a device called rectenna which convert microwave frequency into DC signal...if this possible compact devices like mobile don't need electric power for charging ....but the problem is i cannot find the circuit for rectenna
    2) if a mobile uses microwave frequency for charging ....will there be any power losses or distortion from microwave source ....
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberAug 29, 2013

    Rectenna is patented and the white paper for it's design will be out only after a few years not now
    So you won't find the circuit for rectenna in Google

    Efficiency will be hit drastically but tuned LC pairing between the Tx and Rx makes this design a really possible one
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  • naveee

    MemberAug 29, 2013

    is anyone in CE will be having circuit for Rectenna??
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberAug 29, 2013

    Not possible for sure

    You will have to wait for it till tomorrow to be sure.

    The circuits and block diagrams are not even published in the manufacturers website so it is highly secret.

    No one will have it
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