Member • Nov 2, 2008
Wireless Control for Robotic Arm HELP!
We need to control the robotic arm using someone's actual arm as input. One idea was to use Accelerometor(s) to sense movement from an arm. BUT I don't know how we would send these signals properly(wireless) to the microcontroller. I was thinking about an RF transmitter and RF receiver to do so? but is this ideal?
a 3-axis accelerometer has 3 output pins(x,y,z), each of which would need a transmitter...but too many transmitters = noisy so it won't work. Somebody suggested using a demux and timer on both receiver and transmitter, but interfacing the outputs to the correct inputs would get messy.
One idea I had, but feeling that it is not workable, was using a nintendo wiimote and a bluetooth module(on the MCU). The problem here is getting the wiimote to connect to just a module, which I can't find out if anyone has done sucessfully yet. But if this worked, I could use the already constructed 8-bit data that the wiimote outputs...
(ps: trying to keep this to ONE microcontroller)
I'm using this board:MAVRIC-IIB: #-Link-Snipped-#
accelerometer/orientation ideas: