Windows 7 activation hacked!

Microsoft Windows 7 is protected by key activation. The operating system requires users to activate their copy of Windows 7 within 30 days. But hackers have found a way around this key antipiracy protection built into Windows 7. In this way, the software doesn't actually get confirmed as legitimate, but users are able to keep using the product indefinitely, according to CNET.

Microsoft confirmed that it is aware of the technique, but said that it is working to shore up the activation procedure. "We're aware of this workaround and are already working to address it," a Microsoft representative said in a statement, which also urged customers to only use genuine software, noting that the fake stuff can contain malware and other bad things.

So far about 50,000 pirated DVDs of Microsoft Windows 7 are estimated to have been sold in India since the official launch on Oct 22, generating unaccounted business of around Rs.50 lakh (nearly $100,000).

source :- siliconindia


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