  • Obama administration seems very adamant on attacking Syria and while they do not have full support (this time) from its friends, bigger countries like China and Russia have been openly saying that they'll support Syria if United States attacks.

    We aren't sure whether China and Russia will really strike. India, in the scene does not matter; because the government itself is under the check of United States.

    I wish to know what do CEans think about the Syria war being a preset for the World War III?
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  • Mohammed Haris Khan

    MemberSep 8, 2013

    i definitely think that the decision of U.S.A to attack Syria is very dangerous for the whole world.and it can definitely lead to world war III. you know war is not a solution to any problem,in turn it worsens the matter. U.S.A must realize this for the betterment of its citizen and of the world as a whole
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberSep 8, 2013

    The above link states that Obama is trying hard to garner support from all over Europe and other countries.I dont think It can lead to 3rd world war.Obamas government is saying that Bashar government used chemical attack on its own people and US is expecting more votes to launch Military attack over Assad government.News channels also posted 13 video's to support syrian government attack on people.If the attack by syrian govt on people is true, I support US action.
    Please enlighten us with more info if you can.....
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 8, 2013

    Someone explain to me why is US action justified? Why'd Syria use Chemical weapons against its own people is also beyond me.

    US did use the 'Chemical Weapons in Iraq' thing to attack them and kill Saddam. They didn't find even a single Chemical weapon there. I wonder what are the real intentions behind Syria war.
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  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberSep 8, 2013

    The problem is that US thinks itself as the global authority on everything. I thought we had the UN to resolve such disputes. Moreover Syria does not have "resources" that the US would want to lay their hands on. The move could be seen as US attempt to reinstate its place as the most powerful country in the world. Countries like UK and Russia have backed down from this thing because the its an internal issue and if USA would have been that interested in solving internal problems we would have seen a quicker and more severe "Arab Spring" movement.
    The poisoning of citizens was a rather nasty attack by the Syrian army to get rid of the rebels, but here is the thing I am astounded by, it took two days for the global media to confirm this attack, the first breaking news said "may have been a chemical attack".
    Finally, no a World War III is out of the question. Chiefs of state would definitely think a lot before making that kind of decision. Yes, there would be some kind of tension. But that happens, remember Obama had cancelled his Russia visit when Snowden was granted asylum in Russia.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 8, 2013

    What'd United States lose if there's world war? The only loser in the war is the land on which the war is fought.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberSep 8, 2013

    Yeah I agree to Kaustubh and its like a military drill to US so that they practise with real people rather than dummies.......
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  • Mohammed Haris Khan

    MemberSep 8, 2013

    Obama's logic:

    Syrians killed Syrians so we must kill Syrians to stop Syrians from killing Syrians.

    what rubbish.....
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberSep 8, 2013

    I don't think it's Obama's decision. He's just a stupid puppet taking orders on his cellphone from the same cult that ordered to sabotage Iraq,Afghanistan,Palestine & Somalia.

    I don't think Syria used Chemical weapons on their own people. This is just a lie, US can fool others, but we understand!
    This sounds same conspiracy like Obama said that they(US Marines) entered Pakistan village & killed Osama & dropped his body in Ocean. Cool story, Bro!
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberSep 8, 2013

    No compromise from US means The THIRD world COuntries like INDIA are going to be ruined by this war

    Is this a hidden tactic to draw third world nations into a larger scenario to destroy them Economically?

    Not sure but IRAN has already said it will support Syria. Which Implies Israel will root for the USA

    So we have USA, Israel on one side against Syria, Russia, China and Iran on the other side. This is covering more land area than the previous war

    With Tension in almost half the globe we will have nations siding either of the sides Which is a potential cause for World war

    This may not kick start the world war But this is one of the main cause for the next world war
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberSep 10, 2013

    There is no evidence of using Chemical weapons as Kerry says. Syria should not be victim of USA like Iran. UN and other nations should stop US doing so.

    World war will not come as for now. But one day in future, all the nations would rise against US and that's going to be the end of the USA.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 10, 2013

    This time, majority of the world seems to be of the opinion that US is just playing tricks for the GAS and the Pipeline. Plus, they'll get to have a strategic 'base' in the middle east, apart from Afghanistan.

    The US wants to attack Syria for Chemical weapons and it wants to support and be friends with Pakistan which is a known home to the terrorist organisations and in possession of atomic weapons! ☕

    What's up with the US?
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberSep 11, 2013

    The above link gives the full transcript of Obama speech yesterday and it is a magical and comic speech in which he says US want to help syria on humanitarian basis and also added that he will postpone military action on syria till the Russia syria talk on surrendering the chemical weapons. He is still in favor of military action on syria and why???????????
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