  • Each source generate a signal of similar frequency range.Inside the multiplexer theses similar signal modulates different carrier frequencies(f1,f2 and f3).The resulting modulated signal are then combined into a signal composite signal that is sent out over a media link that has enough bandwidth to accommodate it.
    Can anyone tell me why that source generated similar frequencies are modulated in carrier frequencies...?
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  • reachrkata

    MemberNov 15, 2010

    Re: Why source generated signal frequencies are converted into carrier frequencies...

    Perhaps this thread help !!

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  • sushant005

    MemberNov 15, 2010

    Re: Why source generated signal frequencies are converted into carrier frequencies...

    ya you are right that modulator is used before the transmission of the signals it is because for maintaining the fixed amplitude and frequency is called as carrier signal.
    Note that for maintaining the fixed frequency through out the medium.

    And now question arises why the frequency is fixed ?
    - It is just because to overcome the resistance of the medium.If we do not make it fixed then a signal have different strength at different point that may leads to the loss of energy.So to make its strength fixed we need to have modulation before transmission.

    So modulation is just just to overcome the resistance during the transmission.

    Do me correct if i m wrong!
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  • syedaafaq

    MemberNov 22, 2010

    Re: Why source generated signal frequencies are converted into carrier frequencies...

    hey folks!!!!
    i have a simple example for you all to understand the concept of carrier signals and message signals...
    for example,
    lets us assume ourselves as message signals... if we travel from one destination to another by walk .. we will get disturbed and tired right??
    now let us assume a train or a bus as a carrier signal.... we get into a bus or a train and reach our destination in ease without getting very much disturbed or tired....
    we send out messages or datas embedded into carrier signal so that it will be possible to have a long distance communication without much loss in the actual signal...
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