  • The Revised GRE or the new GRE is a bit difficult than the current one because:

    1. The major part of Revised GRE has Reading Comprehension (RC), which has been the weak point of many GRE takers. RC's need in-depth understanding of the given passage and the options are often confusing which makes it difficult to score high.

    2. The time limit allotted per Issue or essay writing is reduced from 45 minutes to 30 minutes. This means you have to think quickly and write even more quickly.

    Still there are some good points:

    1. As Focus has shifted from learning huge vocabulary lists to reading & understanding with the context. Analogy and Antonym questions are not present in the revised GRE. This means it's not important that you know the 'exact' meaning of the word. 👍

    2. Unlike the Old pattern, in revised GRE students will have an option to skip some questions for the time being and come back later to solve them. Hence, one doesn't spend unnecessary time lingering on the tough questions.

    3. Ability to come back to the unanswered questions is coupled with "changing or editing the answer" feature. You can change your answers on the revised GRE any times you want.
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  • humblegrad334

    MemberJul 7, 2011

    Thanks for this information! My mother and I were freaking out about the ridiculous analogy questions, lol. Now we can refocus efforts on the math. 😁
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJul 7, 2011

    Thanks for the info AKD... My friend was very much worried about this... I said her this and I hope she feels relieved... Will ask her to join CE tomorrow... 😀
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  • raminjpr

    MemberAug 1, 2011


    ------>All you have mentioned is 100% rite....GRE revised is changed a lot....gr8 info...........I have something in addition to ur valuable info....

    ------->the test taking is more friendly.....on-screen calculators are it would reduce our time...and minor errors...

    -------->GRE quants section is made tougher......some says that it is going to be on par to the GMAT in future this GRE marks can be used to get need of GMAT......(i believe that would happen soon)

    ---------->the test questions are more likely to be a real life understanding of the word in a context plays the key role....rather than knowing the exact synonym or antonym of it is the real check of one's skill test.....essential for the Graduates.

    -------------> Once it was CAT( computer adaptive test) for every question, the computer analyze the answers and it puts out the next question according to ur previous question performance........but now it become SAT( section adaptive test) the toughness of a section(10 questions) remains constant...and would vary with ur section's performance .....Its better....😀

    ----------------> In multiple choice questions ....for some questions , u have to select 2 answers...if u mismatch any one would have to shed your mark....

    Hmmmm......i could share this little information from my empty brain.....

    For More Information on new revised GRE: please check the following link:<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">A Blog for all the New GRE test takers</a>
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    Thank you,
    Ramkumar Narayanan
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