  • Google has acquired Bitspin - the app development company that makes Timely Alarm Clock - The Best Free Alarm Clock For Android!. The app is a simple clock applications with 'alarm', 'timer' and countdown features (and nothing new). Where the app excels is the 'User Interface'. The app does setting of alarm pleasing to eyes and I think that's the reason the App saw several million downloads.

    Do startups have a lesson to learn? Do you think User Interface matters more than ever that a simple Alarm clock got acquired by Google (I believe the deal would be several hundred thousand dollars; if not in millions of dollars).

    If you are developing an App (or in the business of developing apps for Android), should you focus more on the interface?
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  • lal

    MemberJan 4, 2014

    It is because Google wan't to spy and see when people wake up 😁

    Well, Joking :-|
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 4, 2014

    It is because Google wan't to spy and see when people wake up 😁

    Well, Joking :-|
    Well, that could be one reason; but I doubt they'll track users using that app. I just hope they don't put ads back on the app and continue to keep the app free of cost.

    My focus is on the importance of user interface. Do you think that's something that decides the success or failure of apps ( and businesses behind them )?
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  • lal

    MemberJan 4, 2014

    I group the end users into two. One is the regular user and the second is power user (that is the name I have given, not standard 😁)

    A regular used according to me, just want to use any application the easiest and simplest possible way. He just want the app to look good and function very well for what it is made for. Here, the UI is very imoprtant. It has to be designed attractive and not confusing.

    On the other hand, a power user is more interested in the various features an app sports. A good looking application has its advantage, but he can live without a good looking interface if the app performs exceptionally awesome and have a lot of features. A power user doesn't mind typing in a command to invoke a special feature in an app. But a regular user would never like to do the same.

    The fact is, there are many many times more regular users than the power users. Hence, the UI of an application is one of the most important factors which govern its success!
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