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  • Shailaja Tiwari

    MemberApr 4, 2014

    sr patil
    why booting process is needed ?
    Booting process usually initialises the bootstrap program in the ROM of your PC that loads the operating system into the memory for it's functioning...........😀
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorApr 5, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# Do you mean to ask if the computers can work without it? 👀
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  • sndgpr26

    MemberApr 14, 2014

    hey guiz
    I too have a doubt regarding this that can we install our windows on an external hard disk and then boot that into the system ?
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  • aarav sharma

    MemberApr 14, 2014

    The booting process is necessary to run some initial, albeit weak, diagnostics, enumerate the computer's hardware resources, and load the computer's operating system.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberApr 15, 2014

    aarav sharma
    The booting process is necessary to run some initial, albeit weak, diagnostics, enumerate the computer's hardware resources, and load the computer's operating systm.
    Honestly, I am a dumb guy. So, can you please elaborate this above sentence of yours in simple manner ?
    I would love to know about boot process.
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