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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberSep 22, 2018

    When picking a training few things to ponder on.

    I am assuming that you already know what each and every segment you have stated above has and what they cater to.

    • What Am I?
      • This is kind of knowing what are you made up of and what is that which interests you and also your strengths and minuses.
      • (eg) If you are well versed in programming or have a knack of picking up languages on the go select full stack.
    • Where will I be in 10 years in this domain?
      • Everyone who thinks about training see the market need at the moment and start specializing in one or the other domain. This is a boon in short term where as a big bane in the long run if you make a wrong decision.
      • Also some times just because its trending doesn't mean you need to be a stalwart in it.
      • (eg) Just because most of the birds can fly a penguin should never try to learn flying.
    • Who am I going to satisfy?
      • Sadly this is a very hard question that weighs on every middle and lower middle class minds these days. The urge to satisfy your parent's desires always get the better of you.
      • Remember it is your life and you need to be satisfied first to lead a happy and peaceful life

    If you can answer these 3 questions mostly you will be able to figure out that domain which you need to pioneer in.

    In my opinion I would suggest its better a elephant doesn't tries to become thin just cause it can't run as fast as a cheetah.

    Have fun deciding

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