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  • Debojyoti

    MemberMar 10, 2010

    In my opinion it is proper to start with 8051 microcontrollers especially the p89v51rd2 model because,
    1. It has got a handsome memory
    2. It was on of the first to have timer control
    3. It has got facility of interfacing between 2 microcontrollers
    4. It's get up is not very difficult to catch
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  • Engineer_in_MKT

    MemberMar 10, 2010

    I would make 2 recomendations:
    1 - use something like Freescale's S08QG to really get started, its small and simple (#-Link-Snipped-#)

    Why ?
    1. Free Amazing C Compiler (Codewarrior)
    2. It has all the peripherals you may need for simple and medium projects (SCI, SPI, ADC, TIMERS)
    3. Its easy to learn and not legacy like 8051
    or if you want bigger ad better something like Freescale's S08QE (#-Link-Snipped-#) / S08AC (#-Link-Snipped-#)

    1. you can start small with QE8 and move all the way up to 128K in flash
    2. It offers a pin to pin option to a 32 bit part (code compatible too !)
    3. lots of modules to play with
    4. Free compiler too !
    5. QE is 3.3 volts, AC is 5 volts
    lots of training

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  • Predictor

    MemberMar 10, 2010

    Karthik Sivaram
    As a project beginner, i would like to learn about any one of the microcontroller...Suggest me which would be the best one to know about and also the reasons for that.....
    Check out #-Link-Snipped-#, which uses Atmel.
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  • sheenashirley

    MemberMar 10, 2010

    As for me , the only uController i have ever programmed is a PIC..

    You would need a circuit called a programmer to put your program into the uC..
    On your PC you then download the various free software packages , to run with the programmer..
    the programmer connects to the PC in one of three ways..

    there are
    serial Programmers (not Recommended)
    parallel port programmers (Recomended but are being replaced by USB)
    USB programmers ( i would like one myself .lol.)

    i have sucessfully programmed a 16F628 and 16F88 ,if you decide to go this route dont use the 16F84, or the 16F84A as they are obsolete ..

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  • limestone7000

    MemberMar 13, 2010

    guys...i m doin' a "line-follower" bot, for that i m gonna use PIC16F877A
    do ya think there's much difference in programming compared to that for 8051??

    of btw PICs r much better than 8051 thats why i m using it!
    coz one advantage is that u don't have to convert analog to digital in PICs! so ADC can be deleted there, thus reducing hardware, cost and size on PCB, 😀
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