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  • Apurwa.Thakur

    MemberJul 16, 2013

    It is not use to maintain pH but to remove impurities from sugar juice .👎
    it increase alkalinity.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJul 22, 2013

    MOL(milk of lime) is used in sugar industies for maintaining pH.I am confused whether it is used as booster or neutralizer!
    The pH of MoL is about 12.3.
    If you add this to something of lower pH, naturally the pH of the mix will go up. If the starting pH is acidic and it reaches 7 you can call it neutralizing. If the starting pH is already 7 the resultant pH goes alkaline and it may be termed boosting. It is semantics anyway.
    The basic issue is that addition of MoL will increase the pH of the mix. Call it what you may.
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