  • Sushant J
    Sushant J

    MemberAug 10, 2015

    Where do I START!

    Hello Guys,

    I am sure all of you had this question in your mind at some point of your life 'where to start programming from' and eventually you guys drew a path for yourself. Same with me. Just to give a brief background about me. I have completed my diploma in Metal Fabrication and had worked in that field for some years.It was too late to identify that it was not the career I wanted. Just a family trend since father is engineer so i had to.
    So after a couple of years of service in metal industry I left and joined a medical billing company. This company develops in-house software for Dr to process their claims from insurance in U.S and also helps them to get their money by working on denied claims.
    Since medical billing is vast and dynamic, we have to ensure that all people who are working on denials need to be on the same page. There is so much information floating around that there was a need to ensure that the data is centralized and available timely. So I developed a web page using HTML and all the information we merged it into an excel and created links. This was imidiately recognized and is being extensively used at present in my organization. I want to go beyond this since now i realize what career i want to persue.
    I learnt HTML by myself through articles and videos that are available. many say start from C programming and some say start with MYSQL. I am keen to get in to Database management. I want to create applications which are connected to database.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 10, 2015

    #-Link-Snipped-# - If you are planning to stay in your current organisation and learn while you're on the job; I'd recommend finding out what exactly is it that you want to develop; and then start learning the programming language that will help you achieve your goal. However, if you want to make a career into IT, things would be bit different.

    It looks to me that with your background and experience, the better choice for you will be to be in the same job and develop your skills set as a programmer. Be aware that HTML wouldn't technically qualify as 'programming'. I'd recommend trying your hand at something that actually can be called programming. For a start, spend some time learning PHP; which I believe would help you in your present organisation - to build web services that help your organisation do stuff online.

    Of course, it'd definitely help if you learn C programming. But that'd be a very long route to what you want to do. Your first step would be to identify the 'Why?' of learning programming. Can you share that with us? Is it just for the love of programming or serious career in it?
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  • Sushant J

    MemberAug 10, 2015

    Hey Kaustubh, I appreciate your prompt response on my query.
    Yes I am quite serious of getting into programming. I am really amazed by what all things can be achieved by programming. I want to take it as a career and at the same time I love programming.
    Now I wont ask what program do I learn in order to fetch more salary because I believe in excellence. So I want my base to be strong as i dont mind spending some time on it.
    I will stick to my organisation as here i will be able to create independent project. My present organization are more into database management as I mentioned it is into insurance. At present they have 2 platform one is App based which was made using .net and other web application.
    About what is going on in my mind at present is I want develope a simple HRMIS project wherein employees can access their salary slips, Check and apply leaves, performance and so on so forth. In this project I will have good hands on experience.
    I had spoken to a counseller at NIIT and he said go with C programming first and then VB.NET or JAVA and then you can for Oracle certification.
    So what do you suggest?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 11, 2015

    That sounds like a good start. For a HRMIS project, you should be good to go with PHP or Ruby On Rails - if you want to start with something very modern. The era of 'desktop' software is gone and everything is 'cloud' (Internet) based these days. PHP, I think is a very solid language that is very popular among web developers and has lot of free learning resources available online.

    I'd tag #-Link-Snipped-# #-Link-Snipped-# to join the discussion. I think they will have a better advice for you.
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  • Sushant J

    MemberAug 11, 2015

    I would appreciate any help that takes me one step closer to my goal.
    So I will start digging in PHP.
    Wish me luck.

    Thanks for your help Kaustubh.
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  • simplycoder

    MemberAug 11, 2015

    Thanks for tagging me
    You have ample of alternative for both db and server languages

    I would be more than willing to help you out.

    If Kaustubh allows, maybe we can open up a new thread where in we can brain storm on the requirements and later on proceed with technical part.

    Also if the idea is pretty clear, then perhaps we can build an opensource project

    Looking forward to this
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  • Sushant J

    MemberAug 11, 2015

    Thanks for tagging me
    You have ample of alternative for both db and server languages

    I would be more than willing to help you out.

    If Kaustubh allows, maybe we can open up a new thread where in we can brain storm on the requirements and later on proceed with technical part.

    Also if the idea is pretty clear, then perhaps we can build an opensource project

    Looking forward to this
    Hey Simply coder,
    Nice to meet you. That sounds like a good idea. Lets do it.
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  • simplycoder

    MemberAug 11, 2015

    Surely and I am pretty sure fellow ceans would also pitch in
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  • Sushant J

    MemberAug 11, 2015

    Sounds good! Keep me posted.
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  • Sushant J

    MemberAug 12, 2015

    Surely and I am pretty sure fellow ceans would also pitch in

    Any updates
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberAug 12, 2015

    Hi #-Link-Snipped-#,
    If I understand correctly, you were in the same situation where I was, but on a non-techie path. What I would say is, I wouldn't advice you a path, but I would say how I came to this point, where I am now.
    Currently I am a Hard-Core Techie guy, who would love to do anything for code. Sometimes ironically, would love to code to get a code! LoL. I would say, I started just like you, without having any clue, or any mentors to help me. I started analysing what I wanted to do. The first thing came to my mind is a simple program, that can write to text files, and also send emails. Classic ASP was the only thing I knew those days and I was damn sure that it is no good.
    Having fed up, I checked what's the best. Open Source became a route for me. I saw what all does the Open Source constitute, and came to know that PHP ruled everything (2008). I hated PHP, as you know how a person from Visual Basic background could digest PHP syntax.
    Nevertheless, I didn't give up. I saw that, it is the only way I can survive, even though I hate it. I tried to get Video Tutorials that claim to teach you PHP using the Windows 98 system and 320 x 240 resolutions, but I hated them. They were worthless. I simply turned to Janet Valade's PHP 5 for Dummies.
    Instantly I fell in love with the way they have taken the route of learning the programming language and also the person (me) who hated PHP started loving it. Then I went on to read the next book PHP & MySQL for Dummies. The interest grew in such a rapid way, like how cancer cells grow, I started helping out others, solving issues from StackOverflow (my major learning curve), and started developing my apps and making money out of it too. Ask #-Link-Snipped-# about my PHP Quiz Engine. 😀
    This is one of the best way I took and now I am a Cloud Computing Expert, and a HackHands Expert, being judged based on my contributions to StackOverflow and the Open Source community.
    The moral of the story is simple. If you have the need, the need should be like do or die, then you will eventually do it, fall for it, love it, finally master it. 😀
    Hope this helps. 😀 Cheers.
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  • Sushant J

    MemberAug 12, 2015

    Hi #-Link-Snipped-#,
    If I understand correctly, you were in the same situation where I was, but on a non-techie path. What I would say is, I wouldn't advice you a path, but I would say how I came to this point, where I am now.
    Currently I am a Hard-Core Techie guy, who would love to do anything for code. Sometimes ironically, would love to code to get a code! LoL. I would say, I started just like you, without having any clue, or any mentors to help me. I started analysing what I wanted to do. The first thing came to my mind is a simple program, that can write to text files, and also send emails. Classic ASP was the only thing I knew those days and I was damn sure that it is no good.
    Having fed up, I checked what's the best. Open Source became a route for me. I saw what all does the Open Source constitute, and came to know that PHP ruled everything (2008). I hated PHP, as you know how a person from Visual Basic background could digest PHP syntax.
    Nevertheless, I didn't give up. I saw that, it is the only way I can survive, even though I hate it. I tried to get Video Tutorials that claim to teach you PHP using the Windows 98 system and 320 x 240 resolutions, but I hated them. They were worthless. I simply turned to Janet Valade's PHP 5 for Dummies.
    Instantly I fell in love with the way they have taken the route of learning the programming language and also the person (me) who hated PHP started loving it. Then I went on to read the next book PHP & MySQL for Dummies. The interest grew in such a rapid way, like how cancer cells grow, I started helping out others, solving issues from StackOverflow (my major learning curve), and started developing my apps and making money out of it too. Ask #-Link-Snipped-# about my PHP Quiz Engine. 😀
    This is one of the best way I took and now I am a Cloud Computing Expert, and a HackHands Expert, being judged based on my contributions to StackOverflow and the Open Source community.
    The moral of the story is simple. If you have the need, the need should be like do or die, then you will eventually do it, fall for it, love it, finally master it. 😀
    Hope this helps. 😀 Cheers.
    So what do you suggest, i start with C programming or I can directly jump to JAVA and PHP.
    And many users have under rated Dummies PHP5 edition stating that there are lot of typo errors and is not recommended for beginners. Is that true?
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberAug 12, 2015

    Sushant J
    So what do you suggest, i start with C programming or I can directly jump to JAVA and PHP.
    And many users have under rated Dummies PHP5 edition stating that there are lot of typo errors and is not recommended for beginners. Is that true?
    Woah, I didn't come across one, saying not recommended for beginners.
    C Programming? Seriously, man... Chuck it out. Get plunged into PHP or JavaScript. Check out MEAN JS, ReactJS and MeteorJS.
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  • Sushant J

    MemberAug 12, 2015

    Woah, I didn't come across one, saying not recommended for beginners.
    C Programming? Seriously, man... Chuck it out. Get plunged into PHP or JavaScript. Check out MEAN JS, ReactJS and MeteorJS.
    Well then I am on it. I gonna buy Dummies kindell edition as i really cannot wait to Start it. Thanks Buddy for your prompt response.
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  • simplycoder

    MemberAug 13, 2015

    You can follow the same advice given by praveen and perhaps then open up another thread for your project
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  • Sushant J

    MemberAug 13, 2015

    You can follow the same advice given by praveen and perhaps then open up another thread for your project
    Cool. This weekend i do have time to work on this project. So on Monday i will open a new discussion.
    How do I tag you guys or keep you posted abt it.
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