  • India's most loved messaging app WhatsApp has started imposing ban on users who violated its terms of service. The news is making rounds on the Internet that the app banned few users using WhatsApp Plus instead of official WhatsApp. WhatsApp Plus is a client for WhatsApp and provides several features to change colors and MODs, hiding "last seen", "double ticks" and "blue ticks" etc. Users are reportedly banned for 24 hours and are shown timer when they could start using the service again.
    WhatsApp added #-Link-Snipped-# of website to explain the reason of ban. It says that WhatsApp Plus has got no relation with official WhatsApp and it also contains code that can provide personal information to third parties without users' knowledge or authorization. The page also suggests that banned users need to uninstall WhatsApp Plus and re-install official app to be able to use the service.
    Even I use WhatsApp Plus but I'm not yet banned. Is here anyone who is currently banned for the same reason?
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  • Piyush Dangre

    MemberJan 21, 2015

    I've used it in the past. My friends are still using it. No one has reported tad bit of a problem. This might be a rumor.
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  • Dhananjay Harkare

    MemberJan 21, 2015

    I've used it in the past. My friends are still using it. No one has reported tad bit of a problem. This might be a rumor.
    Nope. This isnt a rumor.
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberJan 21, 2015

    Looks like a rumor as I am on whatsapp+ but nothing happened. Let's see 😁
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  • PuneetVerma

    MemberJan 21, 2015

    Even I was using Whatsapp+ but now switched to official version for the time being. I miss several features like showing status in chatbox
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  • Dhananjay Harkare

    MemberJan 22, 2015

    Harshad Italiya
    Looks like a rumor as I am on whatsapp+ but nothing happened. Let's see 😁
    Those who used latest version are banned. Few others like us can use it some more time!
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  • Dhananjay Harkare

    MemberJan 22, 2015

    Even I was using Whatsapp+ but now switched to official version for the time being. I miss several features like showing status in chatbox
    You could have waited for some time! 😀
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