  • Internet advertising has allowed several websites to operate without having to charge money to the users; and CrazyEngineers is one of them. While they are absolutely essential; they can damage the overall user experience. I sometimes wonder if there's a way to include advertisements without disturbing the user's interaction with the site.

    What do you think about advertising on the Internet? Do you find it useful?
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  • Tilak Marupilla

    MemberNov 25, 2017

    Sir, When I travel on a road or wait in a traffic junction, I got accustomed to seeing them on big hoardings and they are not a problem as long as they don't obstruct me in anyway.
    Similarly in websites, if they don't cover the whole page or create malicious popups, they are certainly good.
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  • Sandra James

    MemberApr 24, 2018

    Advertisements on websites are quite annoying sometimes. This is especially because they are completely irrelevant to the content that I am working on. If the advertisement has some relevance then I can at least consider checking it out.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberApr 24, 2018

    With the content and information that we have, giving relevant information will always help.
    Say someone posted a question and we show some relative answer from some website automatically. That creates good experience.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberApr 25, 2018

    Advertisement is fine as long as it's not annoying to users. Simply because they are bad scheme and trying to take attention.
    I recently saw on Quora, they add advertisement between post but these are very much blended with color scheme, don't take much space. Some times useful. Doesn't have to selling the product.
    Banner ads are useless and it kind of turn away users.
    CE is place where people scroll through page. So header banner is not useful.
    Moreover, using google ads are not useful. Most users are already engineers and know about blockers. I would suggest to add small post kind of ads between posts which are not annoying. Picture banners are not good.
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