  • It's funny to see all over the world people using ASP or PHP, or even JSP to make server programmation. It seems to me that we should give a change to free software that has a good quality like PHP. I still don't understand why ASP is so widespread used...
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  • Jerry

    MemberFeb 16, 2007

    It's funny to see all over the world people using ASP or PHP, or even JSP to make server programmation. It seems to me that we should give a change to free software that has a good quality like PHP. I still don't understand why ASP is so widespread used...
    I guess the ASP will no longer continue to dominate. JSP is already popular among many web developers. With the advent of AJAX, many websites are being AJAX'ed.

    PHP - has always been a good alternative. I'm not a web developer but I do know guys who have been using PHP for their websites. The 'FREE' things are in for sure.

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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberApr 24, 2007

    PHP rocks hands down 😀. I have worked on all three, and to be frank, I liked working with PHP and JSP. JSP more so because of the structured and nicely separated architectures viz., Struts et al. Well, PHP has just come up with a very similar approach... and now we have MVC arch in PHP. Its free, its highly flexible. If you want classes, then you can do classes, if you want procedural, then you can do procedural. If you want to make an entire framework, you are more than welcome to do it.

    Viva La PHP!!😁
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