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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 7, 2008

    Now - every engineering discipline is special in its own way. On what parameters are we rating the disciplines here?

    I always recommend people to choose the branch of their liking without worrying if its good or not so good. I knew it had to be either Electrical or Electronics for me because I was so much interested in everything that had electricity 😀

    Thanks to numerous R/C cars I 'opened' just to see what's inside 😉 .
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJul 7, 2008

    But now you are in software engineering 😛

    I tend to say nano/micro technology will have a big impact within 5 to 10 years.

    However, its not a good idea to discount current/old technology. Look at RF communications. Its been around for AGES, but theres always innovations in that field, despite the arrival of microwave and optics. Now with things like RFID and MEMS, RF will still be strong for a decade or two.

    Regarding Computer Science, I believe its on going. Theres talk now about achieving the "Singularity", where computers will equal the intelligence of animals (and perhaps human). Supercomputing and grid computing will become more of a necessity in the future, as well as more businesses switching to the e-commerce and the emergence of many Web 2.0 upstarts, CS and IT will still be around. In fact, I'd doubt technology would progress on without those two.
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  • gohm

    MemberJul 8, 2008

    yep, nano tech, aerospace & robotics would get my vote, although you couldn't go wrong anywhere.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 8, 2008

    AeroSpace - I agree. We need more Burt Rutans'! Btw, those who missed, do check out our Small Talk with the one and only Mr. Burt Rutan !

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  • gohm

    MemberJul 8, 2008

    lol, awesome plug for an awesome article! Did anyone see his new biofuel jet he flew in Europe? amazing

    yep, planetary and space travel will see huge leaps in the future. Another area (non tech) gaining importance is cosmology.
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  • kanand2585

    MemberAug 7, 2008

    i guess there will be and it has been boom in Public Relation Department Guys dnt jst go Engineering ,Medical there are many more options to be Explored
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  • JustinKolodziej

    MemberAug 11, 2008

    I think it will be clean energy and, since I don't have a better term, advances in energy efficiency. How are we going to power all these other advanced technologies without totally ruining the Earth in the process?
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  • vijayrock

    MemberAug 21, 2008

    i suppose nano technology will be one such branch.Quantum or nano computing also have a fair chance.Even that time mechanical,electrical and other core engineering branches will be the popular.
    At the end of the day,it all depends on the person
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  • nitinyamdagni

    MemberOct 31, 2008


    hi ...i m new to this site can u introduce this site to me
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  • kumran radovan

    MemberOct 31, 2008

    Engineering focused on batteries and nanomaterials. I see these as EXPLODING in the coming years.
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  • neo1786

    MemberNov 9, 2008

    I would suggest the person to choose the field relating to interest over scope............I can understand a fresher being under pressure to choose fields which have lot of scope,but wud like to do sumthng u dont like for the rest of ur life???instead simply go for the field u like or will be bliss😁
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  • neo1786

    MemberNov 9, 2008

    If u dont kno wat u like or dislike..........dont worry u r in a majority,most ppl dont kno.........this is the best place to ask questions......u must do some prior research tho
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberNov 10, 2008

    I think anything green will be welcomed,so do in engg,environment and health will be given importance,i think mechanical engg will make a comeback!!
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  • friendster7

    MemberNov 23, 2008

    Robotics could be a good technology to work with.
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