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  • sweet_honey

    MemberApr 2, 2013

    Refer to comment no. 7 in the following thread
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  • Amith Gupta

    MemberApr 2, 2013

    go for you tube video on those.. they are pretty good. i did the same when i was at your position 😉
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  • Khan Sakib

    MemberApr 2, 2013

    Thank you friends
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  • vikaskumar11233

    MemberApr 3, 2013

    Super Charger and Turbocharger are two devices that are meant to boost the performance of engine:
    1. A supercharger is usually driven by the engine while a turbocharger is driven by the exhaust of the engine.
    2. A supercharger takes a fraction of the engine’s power and is less efficient than a turbocharger.
    3. A turbocharger suffers from lag which a supercharger does not suffer from.
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  • white_hat

    MemberJul 1, 2013

    Superchraging means to increase the air density inside the combustion chamber.The device used is called supercharger which is simply a air compressor. Now a super charger which runs on exhaust gas pressure is known as turbocharger.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberJul 1, 2013

    Supercharger » supercharger work using the power of engine and it leads to loss in power output.the supercharger using power from engine and compresses air and fed through inlet valve.This increases the charge volume increasing efficiency.

    Turbocharger » It uses the exhaust to operate turbine in turbocharger and it eliminates the loss that occured in supercharger.This operation compresses air and circulates into inlet.
    Both turbochager and supercharger used only in diesel engine.
    hope i helped you.These points are from point of view refer our friends posts to accesses , gather more knowledge.

    Constantly use crazyengineers to enhance your knowledge.

    All the best.
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