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  • K!r@nS!ngu

    MemberJan 5, 2012

    Rakesh Chaudhari
    Give the Exact Difference Between the lvalue and rvalue in the C lang.
    lvalue occurs if compiler would not get any addressable value in a program. The lvalue is known as location and rvalue is known as read value. The lvalue is the address that is stored into, while rvalue is a constant or the value stored at the particular location.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJan 5, 2012

    lvalue occurs if compiler would not get any addressable value in a program. The lvalue is known as location and rvalue is known as read value. The lvalue is the address that is stored into, while rvalue is a constant or the value stored at the particular location.
    Also the coincidence is, lvalue occurs always in the left and rvalue in the right! 😀
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