Member • Oct 14, 2010
What is 'Effective Mass of an Electron'
Can anyone kindly explain what it means? 😕
Member • Oct 14, 2010
Member • Oct 14, 2010
Member • Oct 14, 2010
Member • Oct 14, 2010
Thanks but can you explain in detail or give a link with a clear and detailed explanation. 😀gohmEffective mass of an electron is the particle's mass when moving inside a solid such as crystal. It normally involves a magnetic field.
Member • Oct 14, 2010
What is apparent mass?mohit007kumar00You must find the difference between the mass what you calculated and what is mentioned.
So the difference between real mass and apparent mass is termed as effective mass.
Correct me if i m wrong anywhere !!
Member • Oct 14, 2010