  • The question has been hovering over our minds since long time. Every time there is some terrorist activity, all we do is watch the 'breaking news' on television. Then we curse our politicians. We feel sorry for the victims.

    ...and then we forget everything.

    This thread invites all the ideas for activities we all can do against terrorism. Share everything that you've been hiding in your brain. No idea is stupid.
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberNov 27, 2008

    well as a citizen of India,my country has given me power to just cast a vote,however,the biggest thinkg we can do is unite and fight together,like filing a PIL and demanding de-politication of security in India,am sure we will see a considerable fall in terror attacks and other unrest!!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 27, 2008

    well as a citizen of India,my country has given me power to just cast a vote,however,the biggest thinkg we can do is unite and fight together,like filing a PIL and demanding de-politication of security in India,am sure we will see a considerable fall in terror attacks and other unrest!!
    Good point. When it comes to voting, all my options are crooks 😡 .
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberNov 27, 2008

    Ha ha ha!! same everywere in India!!!!
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  • gohm

    MemberDec 1, 2008

    Don't be reactionary and allow it to change your life. Its power is in fear and the reactionary response it can create. They want a reaction. If you do not: retaliate, invoke a police state, over-hype it in the media, change your daily life- then you remove the reaction/attention that they crave from the fear they cause. You take the power away and limit the effectiveness of terrorism as a viable means.
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberDec 1, 2008

    Well, gohm pretty much makes a good point, that is probably the main keystone thing to do.

    Other than that, helping people in the developing world to achieve their goals and improve their life they why they want it. Motivating them to start their own industries and inventions is half the battle, but once they catch the enginerring 'bug' they will hopefully make their own solutions. That should give people hope that their is hope and they don't need to go and kill people to feel like they can change their situation for the better. What we could do though? Well, maybe suport some motivational speakers and maybe get together and make 'Machine tool kits' that contain all the tools to start to make thier own tools and devices that they want.

    I stress that they need to do this of their own will. I never want to force a solution on somebody as that will make people less likely to get up and do it themselves. To that end, I think that some of the CE-projects could help a lot in developing areas
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberDec 1, 2008

    Buddy, terrorism has nothing to do with development,in-fact they are the once to adopt any new technology think on the wider angle yeah its important to create job and provide everyone with basic necceseties this can curb curruption and voilence which is basis of terrorism and whne it comes ti India,developing nations has no option since india is their biggest market!!!!
    Well, gohm pretty much makes a good point, that is probably the main keystone thing to do.

    Other than that, helping people in the developing world to achieve their goals and improve their life they why they want it. Motivating them to start their own industries and inventions is half the battle, but once they catch the enginerring 'bug' they will hopefully make their own solutions. That should give people hope that their is hope and they don't need to go and kill people to feel like they can change their situation for the better. What we could do though? Well, maybe suport some motivational speakers and maybe get together and make 'Machine tool kits' that contain all the tools to start to make thier own tools and devices that they want.

    I stress that they need to do this of their own will. I never want to force a solution on somebody as that will make people less likely to get up and do it themselves. To that end, I think that some of the CE-projects could help a lot in developing areas
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  • aashima

    MemberDec 3, 2008

    One thing that India requires to combat with terrorism is to get a stronger, more reflex intelligence system! RAW and internal intelligence must be strengthened!
    This is government's job to realize and implement though. At our end, we may strive to be alert enough to inform the authorities about any suspicious thing or person we come across just like the coast guard who informed the cops 5 days prior about the possible intrusion of militants through water. Well that is an altogether different case that nothing was done to heed the information! We hope they will be cautious from now, so lets be responsible at our end.
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberDec 3, 2008

    We need to change our Election style..

    it should be look like USA style in which Precident will be selected by People not by political party.
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberDec 3, 2008

    I would start by eliminating all fanatics from all religions.
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberDec 3, 2008

    Well, I wouldn't say the US citizens directly vote for the president... the candidate are selected by the parties, and it is outright difficult for a non-majority party to field a candidate, let alone gain any significant attention or amount or votes. Still, it's better than letting the party decide.

    In any case, try to hold your government responsible. Start at the local level, and things should then over the long run filter up into higher positions. That should at least keep the government in partial check.
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