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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 10, 2016

    Quote and Reply function mostly in the same way. The feature lets you quote either entire message or only selected part of it in your message. Like this -

    Shaheen Mongam
    what is this quote-multiquote. I didnt get it
    Multiquote, on the other hand can let you insert quotes from different posts in your reply. To do this, simply press 'quote' button on all the posts that you want to include in your reply. You will now see "Insert Quotes" button just below your reply box. You can now click on this 'Insert Quotes' button, rearrange the order of the quotes (if required), and include them in your reply.

    Example (Messages quoted belong to different discussions) :
    Hi, I'm new here i wanna ask where i can put signature, i searched all settings but cant find there. so anyone tell me when will be signature allow.
    Harshad Italiya

    Here is the Video Tutorial " How to Add POLL to your Thread "

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  • Shaheen Mongam

    MemberJul 14, 2016

    gotcha... thanks
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